Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Night

Saturday night and I'm just about ready to fall out...My day was busy...did my usual mad dash run in the morning for the Critters and the Creatures both big and small...even had a few words with the Mighty Squirrel...I'm standing my ground...HA...well, it worked for a bit anyway...they're getting very use to me and in fact wait for me to make their daily delivery...Here's breakfast...:)

Went to Wally World and did that mad dash through the crowded ..(Saturday crowd) store got what I needed and got out of town...wooo hooo... I don't like shopping...not my thing..

Rest of the day was just getting into the closet and re arranging all the Critter's food...and then smile cause it was a little fact I think I heard myself "Praise the Sun"...

Now it's time to say "Good Night" and go visit my neighbor tomorrow...for a bit just to let them all know..."I'm still with them"...also check on my other neighbor as he was suppose to do some wood work for me...Now I sure hope he did cause that will be a neat addition to my yard...

Sleep well all...cause I'm blinkin' tired...

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