Friday, January 7, 2011

Dawgone Disgusted on Friday

Dawgone Disgusted on Friday... Talked with hubby this morning and things weren't going so well for him...His foot is still not well and it hasn't improved and ...yes I'm getting crazed.. This should have been healed.. I beg him to  go to the Doctor and find out ..WHY...Some times these men just don't pay attention and they feel we nag...Well maybe we do...but it's always for a good reason.

Here I sit teary eyed and worrying that the dang fool has let this go without telling me...and they say "We women don't think"...gawd..some times ya just wanna shake the chit out of em'...

Now he went to the Doc and they are running blood work and setting him up for an that will be next week...and of course he was suppose to fly down next week...Soooooooo I tell this man of mine..."Stay your Asp home and get these tests done...find out why and what can be done"..

I'm down in the dumps but I'll get over that...but not knowing what's wrong is the bumper sticker to "Sheer Madness"...and to think this man is suppose to have a "BRAIN"... Love em' but wanna knock him in the head...DUH !!!

Had to deal with Jayne (the other part of the J n J team) she was a real winner last night...She had a good one with John..and I got the rest of the deck...she was in her Suicide routine...Oh, I didn't tell ya that one...yeah when they get going the next thing is the... "I'm gonna do myself in"... I wound up hearing it for hours and didn't get any sleep..

Not because I was on the phone...but I kept thinking..."What if she does it this time"...that I made up my mind... There is no more of this either... I'm gonna tell her when she gets back in town...."Surprise Sister, but the next episode of the Suicide routine ...I'm a gonna call the POLICE"... I've decided if that's what I gotta do...then that's the best way to handle this I've finally have had enough...

What some people make others go through is nothing but pure SELFISHNESS...and although I've known them for years and they get over this and go on for the next round ...I ain't a gonna be the VICTIM of their fun...

See this Year is a new beginning for take care of ME and MY...share the love with others and willing to help and do what I can...but to be used and abused by insanity...NOPE...

Now back to hubby... I sure am gonna miss him but I know this is the right thing to do...and after this is checked out and taken care of ... That plane will be landing again...

Now I'm tired have had a long night and a hard day...I don't think I even ate...well I ain't starving and there is always tomorrow...

Lord thank you for an eye opener...and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Dang that's a real bummer that he has to stay home. I know how much you were looking forward to him getting down there. But you did the right thing getting after him to finally get it checked!
