Sunday, what a beginning... To start off with, we turned the clocks back an hour...wooo hooo. Meaning I'll get an hour sleep more..WRONG ! I was up at 3am..and boy what I woke up too...
My Abby, (the termite/beaver) done her thang... I walked out into the living room and I saw one of the throw rugs in a ball.. the one that goes from the living room into the dog room...well, I scratched my head and thought.. "Someone was playing"... yeah, I'll fact when I attempted to straighten it out...some how it just wouldn't ... I mean there was this huge bite mark, like someone just took a big bite..huge bite...enormous bite out of this shag type rug... Now who the heck would do that ? well, it didn't take long to figure that one out.
As I walked into the dog room...Dear Abby...(darling dear) crate had the tell tale evidence.. it was a huge mess of furry substance .. did I really need this at 3am...NOT...
Some days it takes a brave soul to look forward to a better ending...however, I done my job and then some...I needed a rest. My eyes saw the mess and my stomach finished it off... Do I really want a cup of coffee..not yet...maybe not ever....let me lie down....let me rest my head and close my eyes...let this be a dream !
Later on I got my act together and my dear Abby, (and she is sweet but just gets in those wild moods and can go into High Gear...doesn't matter what it's made up of.. in fact her favorite is "Cherry Mahogany "... but when it comes to rugs she does prefer "Shag") came by me and laid down...and looked up with that innocent look and proceeded to burp...
Yes, my Sunday with that extra hour was well spent... I also did a batch of Spaghetti Sauce for the freezer. Of course had a taste and that made my day along with watching QVC...I'm addicted to gadgets...but I was well almost good...Ho Ho Merry Christmas :)
Now here I sit rehashing the day and looking over at the Critters 4...What can I say, "They make it worth all the effort"...just wait till tomorrow.. I might change my mind :)
Good Night !
Ooh, what a way to wake up. Hope today was better for you. I enjoy your blog...always brings a smile.