Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday is done did !

Sunday is done did !... I done did is correct...I got all my laundry done !  Where did I accumulate this..omg...shame on me...but when you're ill and by's so what ...who cares ... and now I care cause I done did it all..and in one day...YIKES>

My next procedure was to tangle with my long lost brother...That wasn't cool in fact it was awful...I stood my ground but felt like crap afterwards...but we did manage to be civil afterwards...for how long ...not sure..hopefully till the twelfth of never...I still love him anyway...but if he was in reach I'd a snatched him "bald".

Now on for tomorrows work load..of which I have to get out and head into town and get things mailed... Forms from my Uncle's Estate that have to be certified...then on to the "store"...getting things in for Tuesday's adventures.

I'm wiped and brain fried and hoping for a good night sleep..hopefully no nightmares !

Good Night dear brother... I do love ya...even though you are a "shhooot"

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