Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Golly Ms Munday !

Good Golly Ms Munday !   Oh smokin'... I was dancin' alright but not on the floor...Yep, I took my second "blue" pill and away we went... Holly Hannah... these pills are magic.. I mean I didn't have time to even say, "Thank ya"..

It sure was busy... I was up at 3am..(again) and from then on it was running back and forth...I did get my exercise..bending up and down and around LOL..

In fact I weighed in like the Doc asked me too...and between Sunday and Today... dropped 12lbs of I'm tellin ya.. that's a gallon and a half...

Gawd help me...I'm flushing the night away...but a good thing is my legs are almost down to normal and I can breath better...(nothing like chf)  I was beginning to worry as I thought I might have to call the hubby down...and I sure was keeping my thoughts positive and thanking the Good Lord.

Now for tomorrow the last of the "blue" pills..thank heavens... cause if it were a few more days I'd be a dish just amazes me how these little suckers work...

As far as the rest of the whizzed by...LOL  I was preoccupied :)

Now it's bed time and down to the count down...and my leg looks so much plan is that "Test" again.. that will be on the 30th...That's a piece of cake...well if they slice it right :)

G'nite again... and Here's lookin' at cha

1 comment:

  1. So glad the swelling has gone down and that you are feeling better.
