Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Holy Banana It's Wednesday

Holy Banana it's Wednesday...and getting a little better with Annie..although we still have this several times a night or should I say, wee early morning hours that we have to get up ..but I'd rather have than then her doing  it in her crate..

Got up at the last go and there was no going back to bed..(sigh)..and the rest of the crew got up..then it was the battle of the fittest ..hahaha..yep, they have this wild exercise that included the Big Guy...and I just sat back and watched it take place..

After all got tuckered out and were fed I decided to take a quick run to the store (big mistake) went to Winn Dixie and heck they were out of all what I needed so I then went down to Sweet Bays which by the way is going out of business..HUH?>??? so then I got back in my car and went to in a few good stuff and even bought myself a piece of Coconut Cake..and when I got home..OUCH !

Yes, I was gone way too long and HELLO THERE ..Miss Annie done did it !!! YUCKO...but I got everything cleaned up and all went out..she stayed far from my reach as she knew I was pissed at her..she's been doing so good ..but not today..not now...back to the drawing board..

Some days you win and some days you just is a big JERK..cause they got ya !..So now I know she has only a short span still..ok, get over it..into the washer goes the beds and all and tomorrow starts another trial and error..

I'm still trying to figure out her time span..I mean she's just 3 mos and I remember what I went through with Rudy..I've also changed the food amounts as I feel she's getting too much and it's in and out ..hope that helps too..

This afternoon I did get to take a nap..even if just an hour..and in fact all the critters did ..they were stretched out on the floor and all were we all did our rest or fall out together...

Tonight watched Survivor with the pups up and I let them back out to potty and back to bed..this was my time..even if it's just an hour...they are getting use to going in their crates at 7:30pm ...they don't fuss which is good...and look forward to the last go out and "pills"..which Zeke is the only one that gets a pill LOL  but they like the pill pocket..

Miss Reba is still holding her own and I'm still feeding her..but she gets up and walks around..but seems to sleep most the day...I'm glad she's in her comfort zone..

So now those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All..

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