Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It's Was A Long And Shocking Day On Wednesday

It was a long and shocking day on Wednesday starting with my morning wake ups LOL  Ms Annie got up at 1:30am and then again at 4:30am.. my oh my we are getting there slowly... but at the last wake up ...she was a hoot... when she went to poop she turned towards her butt and started barking... I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. hahahaha... never in all my years did I ever see a dog do that...

Well that goes with out saying, "you around long enough in dogs, you'll see it all"  and I did... too much and then the day goes on...and on and on.. as Rick came over at 9:30am and I wasn't even finished with my chores... Why?

From the night before with John and Jane in another battle..(they never stop) and on till the next morning we me having to get the calls...last call was at 6:45am...YIKES...and I just don't know how these two survive...Lord HELP THESE FOOLS.

That through me off ... so Rick did a few things till I got ready and then we went to my rose bushes and a new rolls of screen the double sided tape to put down a new vinyl floor for Rudy's cage..

Stopped and had a burger at Wendys...was a nice treat and then home to sheer madness and it hadn't stopped till bed time... Rick got done fixing the screen door then planted the roses for me.. and he'll be back next week to do more work..

I came into the house and let the critters out..they went bonkers as they were crated to long..but in between I had let them out to potty and drink..but with the work being done they needed to be out of the way...

So they paid me back..Ms Annie done ate the cord to the vacuum cleaner as it was plugged in the wall...she come BEE BOPPING OVER TO ME..with it in her mouth.. Yes, she got a What for !  as she could have gotten fried..scared me and I know I scared her.. so pray this won't happen again.

Then the crew just ran and ran tore into things ...I heard things falling ..OMG.. they definitely were paying me back BIG TIME... finally they all fell out...and so did my day over yet ?????

And tomorrow will be another shocker I'm sure as Randy will be stopping in to do toe nails...with a drummel...this is gonna be interesting.. cause Rudy won't let you touch his feet..YUCKO..

Now they are all in bed and I'm heading there too... so with that...those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All

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