Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Very Difficult Sunday

A Very Difficult I woke to do my sorting of the pills of life Ms Reba was up and attempting to try and come to me..but she was like sliding along the wall and her head was twisted.. OMG !   I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. not a sound but just the banging of her body against the wall...

Dear God, please help my little one... as I rushed to her I picked her up and held her.. my heart was racing and I could feel myself tremble..Am I losing her?  What do I do?  I could feel the tears coming down my cheeks..trying to hold it together so I don't do something stupid..

I brought her over to the couch and sat down just holding her and I could feel her little heart racing... I kind of just started rocking her as there wasn't anything I could do at that moment..other than figure out what was happening with her.

Did she have a stroke?  and then I thought could she have had a to just sit and wait it was 5:30am that's what we did and I was glad that the other two weren't wanting out..

Slowly I started to examine her and she was starting to drift off in my arms so I leaned back and placed her down on the couch with the pillows around so she wouldn't fall off.. and she fell into a sleep..with me stroking her..she was now safe.

I called my hubby and let him know what happened as she wasn't in any pain and was now resting...I decided at that time that I would call the Vet's office on Monday if Ms Reba was still in this I would say my Goodbyes and know that it was the time for her to be with the rest of our hard and so heartbreaking.

By noonish she started to come around and complain as she was hungry... WOW.. I was so relieved .. I mean she's been with me for 18years and so much a part of my life and to know that there would be such an empty space in my heart...and now she's letting me know she wants to eat...

These are the times that things become so difficult ..the ups and downs the sure have to pray about these times.. I mean there is so much that goes through your head and then your heart...Lord give me strength but for what ever time I have left with her.. I am for ever grateful as she sure has given me some precious moments and lots of love.

Now tonight I'm just so wiped out and I pray that tomorrow will be a good day for her as well...and for all of you that read my blog ..please keep Ms Reba in your prayers..

Those traveling Stay Safe and as always God Bless Us All

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