Friday, August 30, 2013

Not A Good Friday :(

Not a good Friday:(  for me at all... most of the day I had ice pack and taking tylenol and finally got in touch with the covering's been really hard to even do anything.

Morning was really rough as I did my chores..the pain in my mouth and gums swollen..ouch is all I can say.. My crown is cracked in the back of the incisor and it's extremely sensitive. So it's been every 4 hours I've been taking those blessed tylenol.

Figures I pick a Holiday week.. I mean no where to go other than the E R and that was my last attempt if I couldn't get any one to help me. ...Mister Murphy you done kicked my ARSE but good this time..

I can fully understand why people say, "Take em all".. I mean I've been struggling to keep my teeth and with all the chemicals I take in my body it seems they have been doing a number..and I can't have implants done because I'm on it's the paste in your mouth choppers if this don't stop.....

Now the kicker to this..I got an appointment for tomorrow at 9am and he'll have to take an ex-ray..but I can't have any work done till I'm off Plavix 4 days and get pre hopefully within the week..I get this taken care of..but something to kill this pain and infection.. 

When I tell you all, Murphy lives with me..ya better believe it..I get a break in between but always for the next surprise or as I call it.."Adventure"..

So I am thankful for getting this Dentist to even look at me..and we go from there..Hubby is gonna take me in the morning just in case..cause with me I'm always full of "What Was That"?

Hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend cause I know I'll be laboring lots of things..and nothing I want to brag about either...

Those traveling Stay Safe and as always..God Bless Us All..


  1. Aww, Zeee, I just hate hearing this...mostly because it involves pain and that just isn't right! Hope you can get pain free this morning and all fixed up soonest! Hang in there.

    1. Paulette, I'm so hoping that this will be the last for awhile I sure do need a break..just now have to wait for the Surgeon and then on the count feeling better...if there ever is such a thing with me..but that Doc was sure a HUNK !! hahaha..if all I have left is my sense of humor I'll survive :) Thanks
