Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Nice Surprise On Tuesday :)

A nice surprise on Tuesday...morning for me was a bit down in the dumpers as I just didn't have that get up and go...it sometimes happens to me for no reason other than maybe I pushed too much the day before..who knows for sure but I just have to go with it and make no big deal out of it and work around my loose ends. Sorta speak.

So I started cleaning out the frig cause tomorrow is trash day and the frig looks like it could use a breather...maybe even an evacuation. Hahaha anyway I was doing my thang when I got a call....from our friend and comrade Todd (we share the same depth of demented humor) say, " you got a couple of minutes" ?  Which I replied " sure do".....and then he said, " be at the gate, I'll be there in 5 minutes, I have something for you"...and sure enough he was....

To cut to the chase Todd gave me the neatest gift..and to understand it, you'd have to know me....so here it is...Yes Todd I took a picture to post it cause it just made my day..

Oops it seems now blogger changed things again and I have to figure how to get the pictures posted. Another surprise happening..oh well I'll figure it out by tomorrow so stay tuned...:)

Now gonna watch a little TV and then fall out.. Hope all you traveling stay safe and God Bless us all. 

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