Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Night and my inserts failed

Saturday night and my inserts failed or my shoes quit..take your pick...In fact I'm now back to socks only... My foot has hurt worse with these inserts..I barely was able to walk at all.. I had them on all day Friday and Saturday and by late afternoon my foot was hurting so bad I took them shoes off.

Now I'll try again tomorrow but if it's the same routine then I'll call on Tuesday and hopefully they'll have an MRI set up and I can get on with "What's wrong with my foot" ?

I watched this morning as Clancy was placing colored eggs on the bush..for Betsy and I smiled...cause I also get to enjoy the colors too...and he thought he could play Easter Bunny without being caught...Sorry Clancy...I caught ya !

Most of the day I did up Zeke and Abby's food for the next 15 days and also brought in the 40lb bag of dry food to be put in storage bins ..gosh the weeks fly by...sure hope my foot does too..I mean that dang pain...seems it never stops...almost like a tooth ache but a foot ache..if you were to ask me..."Where does it hurt"?   I couldn't honestly tell ya now as it seems all over...

Tomorrow I'm gonna cook up a ham slice for Easter...sure is lonesome as hubby is invited out for Easter Dinner and normally we talk on the phone as we share our I'm glad he will have some enjoyment as to be around testing your ability to stay calm...cause I can't   HA !

Watching the Ten never gets old and I always enjoy watching..cepting this time I'll fall asleep during it as I've got the timer set...I know me too I've been missing a lot of sleep and cat napping most the day and that gets me a little off the beaten track..

So Good Night All...and Happy Easter

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter Zeee! I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with your feet, it really may have knocked something back in place if you would have kicked that doctor, LOL.
