Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh my Blue Monday

Oh my blue Monday...well it didn't start of grape mobile came home and boy was I glad to see fact I took her up to the meeting today at the club house...picked up Diane and I was beaming..even with my sore foot. I was just so happy to have Grapie back home..Yeah it was a good feeling cepting one we got close to the club house she was dying.. I mean we were in slow crawl big time !

Diane and I both started laughing cause I just got her back home and the repair guy said.."Don't pay me now, wait till you have her home a month and make sure she's running without they couldn't really find out if it was the controller but they did feel it was the M Core control so they replaced it for now and if it doesn't stop working then I'm to send them a check for the job... Great place that Nobles Golf Cart Repair in Leesburg...

However, as my Grapie was coming to a halt..I had to laugh but it wasn't the main reason I sent it in for repair it seemed no one put a full charge to her..and the joke was on me and Diane... so I pulled or should say "coasted" into the garage where the rental golf carts are used for our Golf Course and ask the guy if they could put a charge on her till we got out of the meeting...and they said, "Sure" she got at least a 2 hour charge.

My foot was aching as I had to do a little more walking...and boy when I got home it was in full throb...yeah I'm ready for that hammer...get this dang thing fixed..

Called the Foot doc and no open appointments looks like the 13 is when I'll be seen unless I hit my foot for sure..then it's ambulance cause you ain't a gonna get seen as a walk in..I'll rot away waiting...but if they carry ya in ya got a better chance ...maybe :)  HA !

Weather was beautiful and I sure would have loved to take a ride around here but with my foot forget about it !  Maybe soon...and then I'll take some neat pictures..

Went to the mail box and surprise I got an invite to a Holy Communion for my Niece's Grandson... It made me feel so good as this part of my family I haven't seen or talked with for over 30 years..can you imagine..and all because of a rotten brother in law who decided not to ever bother with any of us...Gawd it makes me feel so good that I paid for my sister's lawyer... Amen...that's all I can say for that...!

I need to lay down and try to get some sleep..gonna put a cool pack on my foot and hope it at least numbs when ya have pain cause it seems to take over your whole dang foot...If someone was to ask me where it hurts..I'd have to reply..."All Over"...

Well, may you all have a great night sleep and wake up smiling and with no pains..!  God Bless

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