Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh! The Waiting Game on Monday...

Oh !  The Waiting Game on Monday....Did I tell ya I don't like Mondays!
Here I sit..just a waiting for calls.. The RV dealer, The Insurance Company and the Hubby...while my laundry is a  "swishing and a swashing:" I'm putting my feet up and just a chillin' out..or is it a spazzing (new word) out... Oh me oh my oh!... Yeah it's gonna be a "One for the Money, Two for the Show and Three to get ready and Go Man Go".. good tune but I ain't a goin' no where fast !!!

See it's like this... What ever I plan.. well there's always a "Monkey Wrench" thrown in some where..but I'm not in a big hurry YET...However hubby has his return ticket for Tuesday..HA !... I can hear him now on the way down... Now I know why I removed the Passenger Seat and put a Freezer up front... Can't hear him with the sound of the engine and noises around...  Yeah it will work for me...:)

Spoke with my 1st Cousin this morning to get things worked out regarding Uncle's Funeral and Will and that's another whole issue.. but that will soon be resolved..(hopefully).. What is it they say..."Weddings and Funerals bring the  Best and Worst out of People.."   Also many many surprises.. Pandora's Box.. more like it !

It's a chilly day today...even the Critters 4 didn't want to go out... Vets last night wasn't too bad.. I know I added probably another wing to his house !.. All given their "Rabbies".. (not happy about that) and check ups so we're good for another year..or shall we say.. "Deposit "..  I did get Joe's meds to maintain and keep him comfy as possible... Now for that long journey.. and I'm so hoping it won't stress him out..

Gonna put that Crock Pot to work again.. (her job is never ending).. Make a pot of soup while I'm doing the hard work...Laundry and crossing things off my list... Ah the phone is ringing.. Part is in.. next on the list.. now call hubby and find out when he can get home  and then I'm off on another get Rig fixed...!

Catch ya later....


  1. Popped over from the Women's RV forum. Love your writing and sense of humor. Look forward to following along.

    Have a great rest of the day. Hope hubby gets whatever fixed in lickity split.

  2. Ali, thank you for stopping by.. it's a good feeling to know that you make others smile when they stop in.. often I wished I'd hear from others as they read my antics.. and they sure are sometimes Wild and Crazy.. but they are real.. couldn't make them up if I tried.. Again..hope I get to meet ya down the road.. perhaps at one of our GTGs.. would love it.. God Bless Zeee
