Uneventful Saturday... Earl didn't stop by to say "HellO"...in fact not even a breeze...I was surprised as the Hype was so intense I stayed glued to the TV... I wanted to make sure I was prepared...well, I can't say, "I missed Earl " and I don't want to see any of it's cousin's either...So let's just say.. "Happy Trails".
As for my day.. well, it was uneventful as I mentioned..cepting.. my critters got an instant replay.. and I wasn't too excited over that.. Hubby he did his chores and then some...Goodness that man can run in circles...some good and some ...enough said !
Still having a little problem with the puter.. Dang that browser.. seems it's not yet right..So that means come Tuesday I'll call that "StopZilla" and see how the next event goes.
I dragged around most the day.. nothing I could get finished being Critters were in the .. Ooops Mode.. and as for Sunday...mmm I'm sure I'll muster somethin' up.. Perhaps a Netflix..and hopes that the rest of the mess is going to be gone...So I can at least plan some activity.. this is too boring for me... Is it Oct yet ?
To bed I head as 4:30am comes quickly...
Catch ya later
God Bless
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