Missing in Action ! Yes, it's Wednesday :) Don't I know it.. I can count the minutes as they flowed by... Yes, I was in a long long long.. can I continue.. You bet.. My computer was Zapped but good and I foolishly made the big mistake of getting Help..before I "Copied" things I needed.. as I trusted the words "No problem, we'll be OK"... Those again are always the famous last words.. And have I not learned yet ???? Dumb Bunny here !!
I've been sitting here trying to figure out what in the world I need to install first and for the love of it.. I'm at the stage.. "Who gives a rat's patoonie ".. Yes, those words sing out loud and clear... Now for my next adventure .. well.. I don't even want to go there.. where ever it is.. in fact don't mention "India" Yes, Dell got me good !
I don't think I can remember the last time I spoke in another language and couldn't see where I was heading.. I've been on an Adventure that maybe needs several chapters.. However, I can tell you this, "I lost days and never left the house in fact even the computer" Oh lucky me !!!
Now I just want to hide for a few weeks.. Is it Oct yet...? My next thing to do.. is maybe sleep..cause maybe it's just a dream.. a "Bad Dream"..perhaps even a "Nightmare"
I'll do a follow up when my brain can handle all that has happened.. So it's toodles for now.. hopefully I'll be able to return..I mean if the computer doesn't self destruct..
Catch ya later.. Lord willin'
God Bless..
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