Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ouch! On Wednesday

Ouch! On Wednesday... you see I fell the evening before as I rushed out to feed the outside birds before the storm hit... like they were gonna starve..DUH !!  Now I never said, "i had all my watts in the bulb plugged in "...

Right straight forward down.. right on my chest (thanks for good size boobs) and hit the soft ground as it has been raining and here in Florida it's sand LOL  thank goodness.. so when it was time to go to bed.. OUCH!!!!... I could hardly sleep so I was up most the night.

Come morning I felt like someone done run me over...but I survived..and so as I tried to move and pick things up .. OUCH!!!  so I did what I had to..then I sat and knitted...another Afghan in the making..

I did go out to Publix for a few things then back home.. and the rest of the day I just took it easy and if I feel the same way tomorrow.. that's exactly what I'm gonna do... I'm not in any big hurry and what needs to get done will.. another day..

So that's my story for today  LOL  interesting.. recouping from wounds hahaha.. like I've gone through some battle..actually I own.. watch where I'm walking and pick up me feets ..hahaha

Those traveling Stay Safe and as always.. God Bless Us All.

Oh!  My latest Afghan  :)

To go with my Lilacs :)

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