Friday, June 28, 2013

Is it Is or Is it Isn't on Friday

Is it is or is it isn't on Friday....well, would a could a should a more like it..but on with my STORY.....

Morning came and I was so ready for a new beginning an ending to a horrible week of "Goof Balls" that's really all I can call it and still smile..but again my day started with a question..Is it gonna be done or is it just beginning again ?

Got my chores done and Ms Shug being impossible this morning cause she was wanting her play time with me but not this morning it was the day Bright House was coming and everything would be back to "NORMAL" I thought !

Went through the house like Grant went through Richmond and then I could take my break ...even rushed through that cause I was also gonna get rid of that spaghetti mess under my desk ..wooo hooo...

Much to my surprise Bright house showed up 2 hours earlier ..YEAH and I got Mister Zeke in his room ..(not willingly) and Ms Reba came out with me to meet that wonderful Tech from Bright House :)..

He was in a jolly mood even told me he had a few cancellations which moved my spot up and then he said, "I'm here to connect a new box and new telephone number "...WHAT ???????? (me falling on the floor ..sorta well gasping anyway)...

Please tell me you are joking I mean I am only porting my original number back from Verizon to Bright House again...and not a new phone connect why the new box ???? all my questions flying along with my hands..(you all know how we Italians talk..with our hands )...He (the tech) looks at me strangely and then says, "Nope, new number"...I think I really got this sick feeling in my stomach and he could tell by my reactions I was going into SHOCK..."NOT AGAIN"

So he came in and sat down and called his dispatcher..and I heard the conversation..he tried to explain what I had told him and they told him that wasn't on the order  and if that's what I wanted done I'd have to call back in and arrange that with my "order number from Verizon along with my pass word so they could port over".....OMG... I'm going brain numb...

I then got up went inside grabbed the phone and of course you go on that automated setup and as I was waiting the Tech said, "I have to go but let them know I'll be in here working and they can contact me and I'll come back" I waited and it was exactly 30 minutes when the rep came on.

Now I have to tell you I must have talked like a mile a minute cause I was in high speed and not even taking a breath..then I heard well I thought I heard.."Hold on and I'll connect you with a Superviser in the Phone Connect Dept"..did I have a I was on hold again and I heard that awful music...GAWD I hate that music !

Again come a man on and says, "how can I help you" ya know they may say it but it is never gonna happen they are gonna follow the prompts and here we go again.. and again I have to go into the drama of everything and then they say, "no problem, we'll take care of that"... Good Luck Charlie !!!

This one promises me that the Tech will come back and we'll hook up and he'll have me forward my number to my cell phone till the port connection comes in and that will be July Verizon isn't releasing until then...

What could I say, what could I do ...get upset..not worth it I'm stuck in a catch 22 and I have to go with the flow or I'm tossed in the pile of .. "I'll get back to you" I said, "ok,"  and that was the end of the conversation..

I wait and wait and wait and now it's 4:45pm and still no word and no I get on the phone and here we go again..I call up talk with a rep and then comes the ..well if you would have taken the other number things would have been done and then you could always put in a change number request for 19.95...LOL  yeah sure and if my Aunt had testicles she'd be my Uncle..!!!

I told this rep up front I'm not wanting a new number and I'm not paying for this screw up and I need a I wait again but this time I get one that is kind of "Get this straight and gonna fix it NOW"...ok we'll see how this goes I have no choice..

Now to make this short and sweet...if I want peace of mind and a good night sleep I'm gonna take the easy way... I'll not change my number that's a fact and I'll wait for the Tech to come back with the new orders and my port transfer and be done with it...

As the Supervisor goes through everything and double checks it.. I have to then go through the 3rd party verification the way I've done this now 3 times and still not she assures me this will be my last go round..I tell her the usual..."I hope so"...and next thing I know I'm on the verify my info and then it says, "Good Bye"..  

I can only tell you I sure hope this is all I have to write about my Saga cause it's getting old with me like me I'm aging while I type...I have never in my life seen things go so wrong and they call this Business...Gawd help me....!

After all this was over it's wait and see what's next cause come July 2nd supposedly this is all gonna be done...between the hours of 8am and 10am...

This will one day make a great movie.. I'm sure maybe I can by then have a great connection too...but we'll have to wait it out..if I live long enough..

Was too tired to cook so I ordered a Pizza and that SUCKED...I'm on my 3rd Strike for the I'm gonna call it a day...

Safe travels to all and as always..God Bless Us All....!

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