Monday, February 25, 2013

What a Wonderful Monday

What a Wonderful Monday..and I could even chew a little..woo hoo !...Today was a busy day..hurry up get Ms Shug done and then on to the Critters 3..I was just a beaming I was gonna go visit some RV Sistahs..ones that I've known for years and have never met in this was also gonna be a double whopper too cause it was Ms Dawn's birthday..

I drove up as I told Ms Dawn a fib..Had to I mean I had to pick up her little gift I got her and how was I gonna do that riding with her in the she drove up and I followed a few minutes away..cept when I got their she had driving by herself as her brother Paul (who was suppose to come) was not feeling well.. I felt bad so I had to tell her when I go there...I fibbed ya !  she laughed..

What a great afternoon we had.. I got to finally meet Sarah and Tina of which I've known for a long time..and it was delightful and then Lizzie popped in towards the end for a few minutes and wonderful to see her too..!

Irmi and Steve make you feel so right at home and part of the family and I'm telling ya we did some gabbing..well mainly me.. it was like I was plugged in and ready to rumble..cause I had them laughing..but the funny part was and is.. nothing of it was made up it was all facts know the campfire stories of what happened to you when RVing...the goodies..and the OH MY STARS !!!

Some one of these days I'm gonna right a book about my travels..they are Wild and Crazy like me hahaha..but it sure was a good feeling to be with people that are just good people..and of course loved dogs LOL..

Dawn and I both left together and we were on a mission..YOU GOT IT.. Walmart..hahaha.. I had to go and pick up a few things..and so did Dawn and we laughed..YEPPERS..wouldn't be a day without a stop while on the road to Wally World..hahaha..of course I go in and pick up a bag of bird seed and Guess What ..hahaha...the dang thing opens at the bottom and it was like I hit the jack pot..those bird seed were every where but in the bad..OMG...LOL 

It completed my day let me tell ya !!  so when I got home Ms Shug was saying, "hello, hello, hello"..rapidly.. I think she missed me..and Ms Reba was grabbing my finger..gumming it..hahaha..and Mister Zeke and Ms Abby were singing..oh yeah open that door and let me out !!!!

Now I'm ready for bed and will have a good dream of my day and on to the next Adventure...hahaha

All those traveling Stay Safe and as always...God Bless...

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