Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So I've got a bit of a bug still on Tuesday

So I've got a bit of a bug still on Tuesday....and boy it has knocked me down a peg or two..but I'm still able to do a few things...I mean I don't have a choice..and in away I'm glad I have to cause other wise I'd wally in self pity..not that it wouldn't be bad..but it gets me to get up like it or not !

Morning I dragged myself to the couch and waited to the alarm went off for pills which is 6am then I lay back down and waited till 7:30am to get the Critters out and Ms Shug out and clean her cage..oh yeah that baby has to be cleaned same as the Dawg Patio..daily and rain or shine..LOL..

After that my Critters laid down and so did I ...after taking my Tylenol ..it sure does help and I wasn't running all day today to sit on my THROWN...as I had heard my friends were really bad..Thank YOU LORD for making sure I got my Flu Vaccine...

I'm down but not out !...and tomorrow I'm gonna do the same thing..drink fluids and I have Popsicles that help..cause when you can't eat you can at least have flavor and refreshing at that...I keep a box of Popsicles in the freezer all the time..just for that reason.

I can't believe how good my Critters are including Ms Shug...I mean she kept herself busy most the day and towards the evening I did let her out..I felt so bad for her and she was so funny ..running around the back of the couch as I lay down and playing Peek A Boo...hahaha...yeah the little feathered friend had me laughing.

So my plans are for tomorrow to do a repeat of today so by the end of the week I can feel better...the weather was fantastic as I had to go out and feed my outside birds and they were happy...

Now I'm ready to lay my head down I have the ceiling fan going and it feels comfy...oh I forgot..I think my dish washer may be going on the blink..as this morning when I got up the light was still on it and it made a buzzing sound..till I turned it off...so we'll see as I have her running now...please, cut me some slack LOL..

So I am saying to all of you out there that reads my blog..Make sure you have your flu shot cause it's a bugger and I know I have it light compared to my friends ...

Those traveling stay safe and as always...God Bless..

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