Saturday, December 1, 2012

Find Me on Saturday :)

Find Me on Saturday :)...this was just a day I kind of sank to the bottom and had to try and climb up and out..yeah it was one of those kind of days where when you think you found something and it turns around and bites ya, OUCH!

Morning for me is always hectic..lots of things to do now getting Ms Shuga ready for the day..that means cleaning her cage and feeding her..and I have to say, "she's neat, as once I put her food in I can go about my business getting her cage cleaned and even when I wipe down her perch..LOL this is a hoot she'll step to the side as I come through with my paper towel submerged in Clorox water and wipe that "thang" down..she's steps up and then back down hahaha

Then I'm on to getting the Critters out and then starting their breakfast..and then hop skip and jump into my seat in the "Dawg" Room and watch Ms Reba circle her dish and decide whether or not she's gonna eat..and I have to make sure I don't look as if she catches me..well then she walks into the other room..yep, she and I have this game while the others, Zeke and Abby gobble theirs down and then wait for the word to "get out of town"..hahaha

After that I can have my coffee and toast and come up for air a bit before I'm on to the next level...yeah it is a routine that you can't break and before I know it we all wind up back on the couch and settle back a bit and relax..

That's kind of my normal morning and I'm usually done by about 9:30am ...being I start early hahaha.. I mean water is always the first go around then it's pills then it's ok...Out Time LOL...and if no one interrupts me I might be able to get in a lay back down till at least 7am..then the phone rings and it's hubby...OK, then we are off to the races..

This afternoon I had the down in the dumps come over me big time and boy did I struggle to get my head up into the clouds..I guess it's a lot going on that underneath is bothering me..I have a few decisions to make and I'm not sure which way to go as of yet..

Later on I took Ms Shuga out and we had another lesson..gawd it's so difficult to keep from laughing ..She's getting braver and braver..jumping off the hassock on to the couch now to the top of the couch to the chairs and then on to the counter..look out world here comes Ms Shug !!!!

She also starts to laugh and ruffle her feathers and I'm telling ya she comes right up to me and looks for an answer..of course I haven't a clue what this is about but the little stinker is braisen I will say that LOL

Tonight I mainly watched Hallmark channel all Christmas stuff and then I kept thinking this is not going to be a happy hubby is back in Pa and I'm here by myself but I do have the critters..

I also thought of my's been a year too...and boy I still miss that little guy..he was one hell of a friend and loyal and totally happy to be just by my but again it's another one of life's deals..we love them and when they are gone and empty void is placed in your hearts..Just like our family..same deal.. was also thinking of my sister and how I sure miss her as when we were kids I always looked up to her..

Guess this is those Christmas Suck Touchie Blues...boy I sure hope tomorrow I am very busy cause I don't want another bottomless pit feeling..then if I think about it..Monday I have that shopping deal with John..OMG..maybe I'll get through that one  LOL

Ok, I'm dragging and my fingers are as those traveling Stay Safe and as always...God Bless

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