Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday entered Dreary

Friday entered Dreary....and with a bit of an attack of the Black Birds..YIKES another group of pigs !!!  My poor birds are being taken over by this new branch of fighters and pigs...LOL  these birds do nothing but fight each other and eat...all in that order too..

This morning was nothing but a dreary look..I thought from the time daylight came upon us that the heavens were gonna open up any minute...but I did go out an attempt to feed (notice the word attempt) my birds..but these beasts (4 and 20 blackbirds in a pie ) came flocking in..and there went my morning...I shooed and shouted but they still came back...perhaps they need to join those Doves which by now are looking a lot better than these BLACK Birds !...What pains in the arses they is !

I've done not much other than what I've had day is so gloomy that I've just been laying back on the couch and watching the sky for anything...but not one thing has shown it's face other than a few rain drops...Hence my day is gonna be a long, long, long one ...eeek...I hate these kind of days.

I've felt a little bit off stomach isn't making me too happy and I feel like I could just sleep the whole day...might not be too bad and this icky feeling could leave..

Have been connected to my home computer most of the day as I've been making a few changes and needed to get this all finished before I head for home...Gots to love tech stuff :)

Oy, I don't feel so good to my stomach so I think I'm gonna just head for the couch get my blankie and call it a day...other than feed the critters and make sure they is done....and as for me I think I am done...!! 

Oh, it is the weekend ..whoopee..that's about all..maybe an AlkaSelzer...LOL 

Safe travels to all and God's Blessing too !

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