Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's on for Saturday

It's on for Saturday...and I can't believe it ..the weekends right at my door..Where did the week go..Heck I know, I can count the days and the drama or shall I say "Saga" that followed me day by day.. See I told you my life could be counted as a "Soap"..yeah I could be making money just selling my stories and some think I make em' up..Hell, I ain't that good..but pretty close..Yes, I will admit to a little hyperbole here and there.. Heck I wouldn't be (can't say Normal) human if I didn't and what's wrong with "Stretching it" if it makes whom ever reads my stories smile at times.....

Now as for my Friday event unfolding.. Yeah went to the GYN and (really like this Doc..young but caring) and we both agreed if I have another "spotting" that I will then be sent to Oncologist, Urologist,and  Gastroenterologist..Golly there's sure a lot of "Gist's"... Heaven help fact it will have to cause I know my bad knees will be knocking and not on any one's door either...

So got through with that part and drove home in the joyful stop and pick up a few little things for the weekend...while hubby does his hit on Sam's club for things we'll need here and to take with us...Double Jeopardy there and then was greeted by Zeke's pinch attack..

Sat back to have a cold one (bottle of water that is) and my neighbor called and asked.."Have you seen your pool cover " ?   (We didn't open the pool this year) of course my reply.."Why"... Now it's not like I ain't seen this cover before in fact I looked at it yesterday as I was letting the Critters out and Friday morning I had too much on my mind to look there...Ok, ok let's find out why I should look...Well Larry, my neighbor then says, "Someone walked across your pool cover and went in ..">>>> I had to get up and go to the back sliding door and open still in my hand.. "Oh MY STARS"  now that's not exactly what I said or how I said it..but close enough I mean there are times I could say..."I've been a truck driver"... 

This cover is a mess trampoline type that has these rods that go into the concrete (they call them plugs with jet propelled action) that either lift the cover or tighten it to the top of the pool.. Well, this  so and so mesh is form fitted and yes, has to be made to order per size...need I say much more... I'm getting green like my cover.... 

There are several holes in various places, like punctured but then my other neighbor says, "Wow Zeee, there was a 6 point Buck in our yard"... and it ran over the other side and busted the other neighbors fence down... HOLY Crappola...Why am I so lucky... I mean can it get any better..If I was to tell this story..(which I'm often accused of cause no one can believe this all happens to me..) No one would believe it.. well believe it and the week really isn't over... perhaps if it keeps going I'll hear the GONG or I'll reach the Million dollar debt...Gawd..!!! 

Then to top it off as I was going to make dinner..I opened the can of chopped clams cause I didn't feel like buying "clams" was taking the lazy way out and ta daaaaa I heard the sound... they were coal black...Thanks another winner and still my day isn't over...

Needless to say, "We had meat loaf sandwiches and I'm gonna go straight to hell.. cause it was Friday and I was raised that Fridays was a "NO MEAT " day... Where's the plastic bag ????????

So here it is Saturday morning and what kind of a day am I in store for.. Oh, I just can't wait...Stay tuned it can get better...HA !

Where's my coffee I am in need of the whole pot ! Who knows what's gonna be for dinner cause if I'm lucky hubby might decide to cook one of his specialties Bologna and Tomato sandwich...yeah the man has talent..and very creative..sometimes he puts together  a Potted Meat sandwich too.. Yes, he's a Southern Gentleman....and I'm a New Yorker.."Italian"...Are ya Smilin'...

God Bless    

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