Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fiddle Faddle it is Sunday

Fiddle Faddle it is Sunday...we made it through and Zeke is getting stronger and more demanding for his food..So now we'll up the anti and give him 3/4's of a cup of kibble 4 times a day for two days...and my waitress uniform is beginning to get tattered looking..Soon Zeke you'll be back on your regular schedule...

I've got my pot of coffee going and boy do I need it..Watched the Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows (Part 1) Movie and I have to say..being I'm a Potter fan..this episode lost me a little..but hey, my gray matter ain't what it should be, can't wait to see what Part 2 will bring .

Soon hubby will be coming down the stairs to get his Cola and then do his Sunday school lesson...He loves teaching and this makes his day..and mine as well..He's off and I'm throwing dinner in the Crock pot for when he comes back from church...and in the mean time I do my usual...(Are ya ready for this)  Scan the NET..for great deals..and like always I do check out (Beth you reading) I use them a lot as I like the "free shipping"..and I do have my friends that sell their good on there too..So I multi task..I owe it..:)

Talked with Diane yesterday. The house is done and the carport looks great in fact she said.."If she stays, she'll do her carport like mine"..Now that's saying something cause Diane and I don't have the same kind of taste..So it's a one for the KIPPER...woo hoo !

This being the last day of the month..I know people usually say, "Where did it go".?...for me I know where every day went..and I hope never to repeat them again..! I have now till the 9th of August to see where Zeke is..I mean, will he still have his heart condition or will it have gone like the wind ? What ever, we will deal with it.

Oh the other morning I could not find Joe's meds.. Hubby had brought them home from Saul's office and I did take  one bottle out. Then some where I placed them. This morning I was in a panic mode..You got it.. All those meds where could they have gone ? Did I or hubby throw them out?..OMG!  

So I do my usual routine when I can't find anything.. I pray to Saint Anthony...Yes, you heard me..I pray to Saint Anthony..He's the patron Saint for the Lost.... Hubby looks and me and grins..of course you know he's Southern Baptist..(not that there's anything wrong with it ) and I am a Catholic... I know he's getting ready to do his spiel. Here it comes..."You and your Saints...I don't know what you'd do with out them...A Saint for this and a Saint for that"... HA!...

Like I keep telling him after all these years..."Listen Up...We Catholics have all these Saints working on our side...keeping us together cause the good Lord has a lot of work to do with you Baptists"...HA... "Besides the fact any time you lose something you call me and ask me to pray to my Saint to help you find it...and I do and YOU FIND IT ".... Moral to this saga... I finally found the meds after I prayed to Saint Anthony.... THANK.YOU !

Today is also the day I watch QVC..Ha !..Yes, I am a kitchen gadget guru..and I have to keep up with the latest..remember if it works..and makes my life easy has a place in my home...So on with the show :)

I hear thunder..nope it's hubby on his "dash" coming down the stairs..all us folks and critters sit back and watch..We have no choice cause other wise you get run over ...

Have a great day all...God Bless..

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Relaxing on Saturday

Relaxing on Saturday... I did my thing yesterday and today I'm taking the day off... yes, I still have the feed detail even though I'd like to take a break..but Zeke is coming along and with the increase of kibble he's doing pretty good.

I'm planning fact hubby is gonna head out and do the "pick up goodies" for me..although I'd like to get out..but not just yet..I'm even gonna attempt to take a "Soak" that is sounding better and better..

Chatted with my Cousin (first cuz) Bill, he's gonna head out to Ca to visit with our other Cousin Kathleen..Aunt Martha's daughter.. Bill will help in the emptying of Aunt Martha's things.. so that will make it easy for Kathleen. She's alone now and needs all the help we can give her..

I'm so thankful I got to speak with Aunt Martha before she passed away.. I've asked for Kathleen to come visit with me during the holidays as it will be difficult for her... and I would love to see her.. Haven't seen her since she was a baby... Gawd she's now 53..we've got a lot to catch up on...!

So this will be my nothing day..I don't think I'll know how to handle it..but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon... I do have to get my coffee made..I'm not good with out my first cup...

Here comes Zeke..sitting at my side letting me know he's hungry...Guess I'm getting my orders..pretty soon Hubby will be coming down the his order is easy..a bottle of coca cola..(that's how he says it) can he drink that so early...HA...keeps him quite for the moment..

Have a fantastic day and look on the bright side..My post this morning was a good one...Nothing major..but then again the day is only beginning .

God Bless

Friday, July 29, 2011

it's a Fabulous Friday !

It's a Fabulous Friday !   i got an email yesterday from "Betsy" and in it was a wonderful surprise... My house in Florida as it's being painted and the driveway being done also... She made my day !!   Thank you so much.. I surely needed an up lift and it was that.! 

Here are the great pictures Betsy took..

It's getting better and better ! The golf cart drive way is on it's way being done  and then a few more surprises still to come..!

Another good looksie :)

I did close ups too.. to make sure my plants were still there LOL.Thank goodness. Diane is doing a good job and so is Dough Roberts.He's the one from Designs of Florida, who is painting the house and driveway..

I'm just thrilled and anxious to get back as I still have lots to do..but Betsy I did need this pick me up.. Thank you again. You did good !
My morning is getting better..Zeke's food increased again.. he's now getting a 1/2 cup kibble with the Chicken, rice and veggies 4 times a day. He's tolerating it well but still looking for that biscuit..He's now throwing the dishes at me..HA! Demanding brat he's becoming. :)
Have to call the Doc and get more meds for Zeke as I'm just about out of his heart meds. So hubby will pop in on his way home. That will save me a trip out. Still haven't left Zeke alone and most likely won't until after his tests are run.. I don't need him stressing at this point. 

Gonna load up the Crock pot with Ribs for tonight's dinner..BBQ is always a welcome for the goodness it's that time again..Weekend rolls in and before ya know it.. Wham, Bam, Thankya Ma'am it's gone again..

Watched Big Brother last night.."Goodbye Dominic"....why don't these people watch this program before going into it..cause ya never throw game believe others will protect ya......So he is adios amigo...never fails.. I just love these games..Just like it wisely and lie, lie, lie ...Hahahaha... it's awful but it's true..I do so remember that Doc on Big Brother ..he was a riot.. he lied till is eyes crossed...and won !!!..Even with Survivor..ya gotta play and remember it's only a game :)...
Just like our politicians..they lie, lie, lie and we keep voting them suckers in..See they win us over..aren't we ever gonna learn...DUH ?????
Now I'm on to the next level..elevate the feet get in that position and Lie, Lie, or is it Lay down ???? hahaha... You all got the picture as my Crock Pot does her job...hubby walks in the door and I "lie, lie, lie"..OMG..I'm gonna go straight to He77...hahahaha...

God Bless Us All.. We need it !

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Treading through a Thursday

Treading through a Thursday.. Zeke is tolerating his food and still looks for more.. Hey, I don't blame him..however, I need an apron with a note pad..cause I feel like the waitress..serving and serving and serving.. He looks up at me and I can read his express.."Is that all there is "..?   Well, soon we'll be upping his amount again.. next it will be a half a cup..'s gonna get better just you wait and see !

I'm hoping this week moves quickly that we can get on with his testing..Zeke doesn't seem to be having a problem with laying down on the job. Yesterday he and Medusa (the mean asp parrot, finger bitter, lady hater) got into a disagreement.. I hear those two going at it as I walk in the room..

Low and behold..Zeke had got his nose up to her cage and Medusa is full wing spread and rolling her head from side to side and growling.. "WHAT" ?   Those two were really arguing.. Am I really seeing this..oh yeah I am.. I wished I have my camera.. I would have loved to have put that up on here.. A Parrot going after a Rottie..Now that's some kind of mean asp parrot..hmmm just a thought.. now I know where the term came..."Bird Brain"...

I mean to tell you Zeke had his hackles up and he was meaning business..but I did worry cause his nose was up to that cage and her mean as beak was trying to bite him.. "Medusa, if you had gotten him, I think he would have broken your cage and ate you " !!!  I have to say..."I had to bust out laughing".. and those two ignored me..and were saying some mean words... Abby walked by and looked at the two.. and I think I heard her say, "Now don't this beat watching TV"...Abby you is so right..!... I think Zeke is feeling better..perhaps he'd like Parrot under glass :)..oh that's awful..

My Joe had a little seizure this morning.. he fell over Abby and I think it shook him that he went into a mild seizure..I picked him up an held him and he came right out of it...I get worried with Joe as he also has a bad heart..thinking things over ..Me, Joe and maybe Zeke are in the heart category..goodness  but we are all doing pretty good... All in the course of the day things just seem to happen...

Now I have not a clue what the rest of my day is gonna be like ...but I do know I have to cook up more veggies...Ha !  Where's my coffee.. I need a big cup and I need to start making my list again.. What ever happen to Retirement ???

Good news (I'm not always about bad things ) I hear the house in Florida is coming along, sure hoping Betsy takes some pictures..or other wise I'll have to wait till I get there..but I did hear Diane didn't kill my flowers..That's a good thing !...and they are blooming..figures I'm here and they are showing off...

Gonna have a meatloaf in the crock pot and put some baking potatoes in the other...Hey, try it .. it really works and no heat in the kitchen...Zap some veggies in the microwave and dinner will be done...

Watched America's Got Talent and also Big's getting more and more interesting oh and I did vote on AGT..had I sure wish they'd change these timings of these shows cause they are all running together..

Ok, the day looks not too bad and I have some good music playing and it's on to the next adventure is La La land..:)...Have a great one all of you and remember..Keep it all positive and add a little laughter and all things will work out...

Soap Opera Zeee... LOL   God Bless !

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wishful Wednesday

Wishful Wednesday is here again...and I'm forever thankful..My Zeke is moving another step up..this morning he gets 1/3 cup of kibble 4 times a day mixed in with this Chicken,Rice and he'll total out with 1 1/3 cup of kibble..that will be given for two days and then up we go again..

So but steady increasing his food till he gets to his normal schedule.. This is the nervous part as taking it slow so that his insides heal.. Works for me and him and that's all that matters.. although the boy is "HUNGRY" and I have to keep a watch.

All the other critters have to get something when I feed Zeke or it's curtains.. HA  I mean they get that look of .."you is leaving me out" a little biscuit for them and life gets happy..that's the simple part.

Momma feels like I'm the waitress and the only tip I get is "Clean Up"..yeah the pooper scooper does her thang..I'm smiling cause as long as it's normal I don't care..and I'll whistle a happy tune too...well after I'm done cleaning up..thank you !

Weather is gonna be a hot one again so it's stay indoors and yes..cook up more rice and veggies..gawd I've cooked and cooked..well I have to say my Rice Cooker is worth the price..cause she is doing a great job..I told you all I can't cook rice it comes out gummy...and I don't think Zeke would even want to partake in any of that stuff..

Watched America's Got Talent and I dunno..only a couple acts I really liked..we'll see how this show pans out..but boy they picked some strange acts to go on...and the rest is history as they say...

The morning looks a little is it gonna rain again sometime today....hey, we could use it but wait till afternoon..cause I need to hang out some of the throw rugs..they need a good washing and drying other than my dryer..

Not too much planned as I have to throw a meatloaf together in the Crock Pot..don't want that oven on or should I say.."As little as possible" and my trustworthy Crock Pot does a great job..She needs to come out of the box..

Got some new recipes in the email this week and I need to try and attempt to make a few...all with a marinade and that's fine with me..Get that grill going too..yeah, hubby likes to cook on the grill..."Go man, Go ".. 

Should be hearing from the GYN today.. so I know when I'm going in for that "D & E"..just wanna get that one over too..although that's just a quick in and out routine..Up in the morning and out by afternoon..and when I think how that use to be years ago..Gawd you stayed in a day or two..and that wonderful "Hospital Food"..thank goodness things are a changing...Now if they could only better the "Airline Food".. that would be awesome !

Oh, chatted with my "favorite" neighbor from Florida..Betsy...and like always's  a wonderful conversation with our "Giggles" included..she let me know how my house is looking.."Gray"..hahaha..well it is painted Gray and White Trim"...but she and Dick gave me their approval...Ah, life is looking better !

Betsy, soon we'll (Critters and Me) will be back and looking forward to getting together with both you and Dick..So we can do a lot of catching up...and giggling...feels good and is good for the soul ..

Alrighty, mighty..gots to get my butt in gear.. I see Critters pacing and I know Zeke is ready for a meal soon..but he has to wait till 7:30am..but I can get my coffee cause I smell that aroma...mmmmm

God Bless All...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sliding into Tuesday

Sliding into Tuesday... Oh yeah !  Zeke is coming along and Momma is dragging her butt ...His yesterday was not bad.. I slowly added 1/4 cup of kibble to his meals..which means he actually got 1 cup of kibble for the whole day..but like I was telling someone.. Rice and Chicken and Veggies is good but think about that Chinese dinner ..I mean you were stuffed when you ate it and it was GOOD..but a half hour or maybe I'll say 1 hour (not me though) you are hungry again.. Well poor Zeke, checks to see what the others are having..looks at his dish and I know the thought wave.."What? is that all there is "...?????

He gobbled it up. I mean he really was hungry.. I try to slow him down..but it's not gonna happen so the small increments help.I made sure he rested and we even took a nap that was what we all needed...and then it was "Where's my dinner".. I'm telling ya 4 times a day seems like I just pick the dish up and I'm putting it down again.. but that's ok.. I just want him to get better..

I checked out all the data on HGE and Arrhythmia..of course you know when you get done reading it.. you want to go hide some where and then the mind starts playing those tricks.."hmm, I notice this and oh I remember that"..which by the way is nonsense..but you try to justify the means.. 

Only thing I can think of is that Zeke has always been an Up type dawg and he doesn't miss a trick and does get emotional.. I also read that no one is quite sure what causes HGE..and as far as the Arrhythmia, that could have come as a results in Zeke losing his electrolytes and shock to the system shutting down..

So, I'll rub my crystal ball and pray to the good Lord and what ever comes about we will just deal with it on a day to day basis..but Zeke is slowly coming back to himself..and that's the main thing..and I'm taking a few breathers in between ..not leaving the house this week..Thank goodness hubby will stop on his way home to pick up what we'll have for dinner..So we eat late..won't be the first time..but I don't want any thing with RICE... I've cooked up so much Rice and Veggies and Chicken..EEEEEEEK !!!!

We had another rain last night and that we so badly needed and I'm hoping we'll cool down a bit.. cause all of us are just about moving..Maybe we need to just lean back and listen to some calming music.. and tonight will be America's Got Talent..Gawd I sure hope there is better acts on.. cause I didn't vote on line didn't even know which one I really liked..other than those kids.. the Silhouettes they were really neat..

Morning breakfast went well and Zeke was tapping his spot for me to place his dish in.. that was something cute Abby started and Zeke copied...So I'm told where to put it..Ok, sounds a familiar tune..When Zeke brought me everyone's dish he sat looking at me..yes, waiting for his biscuit..Sorry Charlie..not this time maybe by next week we'll give it a go.

The day looks great and I've got a mess of stuff to get done..Zeke is down for a nap and then before I know it will be lunch time..cause he'll let me know.. Ms Reba was giving me her "What Fors"..she wanted my toast..Hey buttered toast is her thing..she enjoys the crust ..and yep Joe comes with it too.. he's chimed in.. not by barking but by the "Sit and Stare" routine...

I'm marking my calendar as we progress another day under the belt and Zeke is starting to get that sparkle in his eyes..and even give the grumble when Hubby goes up stairs..HA !  Guess Zeke is waiting for the "Charge of the Light Brigade" know the "Bumpstead"  dash out the house...We're ready :)

It's on for tonight..TV will be fired up and we'll all sit around watching the "talent show" and make our comments..Even the critters will chime in as that's their biscuit and apple time..Lord help us..better make sure them apples are crisp..hahaha... Hey, I've got a spoiled bunch..but you know it's worth it..They give such pleasure and pretty soon things will be back to some kind of normal if there ever is such a thing for me !

Ah the nurse from the hospital just called checking on Zeke and making sure I have all the info for our appointment on the 9th of August.. She said, "make sure I give Zeke his meds even though they want him to fast..give him just a cup of the rice and chicken with his pills".. I told her.."Carolyn, you're gonna have to take the brunt of it when the Doc hollers " we both laughed.. but the reason he has to have some food is because the meds can be toxic without food and we don't want that to happen... Sounds good to me and Zeke will appreciate it too.
Now it's on with the rest of the day...and the sun is shinning brightly.. where's my sun glasses..WOW... I need to start a little moving and then gather up the dawg beds and throw then in the washer...Then it will be break time..yes, it's a hard life..HA !

Have a great day everyone and may your Adventures be great ones...
God Bless !


Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh wake me when it's over..another Monday

Oh wake me when it's over...another Monday... It seems that Mondays always get us down..well some of us.. for me it's a happy Monday cause Zeke is showing a little more improvement...

Last night Saul (my vet) called me on his way with his wife Ellie, to pick up a Dane puppy..Yes another critter added to his house hold..any way we were discussing Zeke on the way..We talked about the Arrhythmia that has happened and why they have Zeke on Digoxgin and Enalapril hoping that when I take him back that it may clear..but I also must realize that what happened to him might have also caused this to come on and it may be how things might stay..

Right now I just wanna hear good news, keep positive thoughts but I must also keep in mind that these things happen and some times they are out of our control. So I keep my prayers going and just thank God for every day I have him.His appetite is coming back cause he's looking for that extra goodies as he came to me with his dish and then turned around and collected everyone else's hey.. He's my Zeke ..he just loves pleasing me and looking for that "I'm a good boy" biscuit.. Soon Zeke, soon..

This morning I'll start adding his kibble to the rice, chicken and veggies.. about 1/4 cup at each meal.. that should start to help him.. Right now after he's done he looks up at me and I can see he's wondering.."Where's the Beef"  LOL  well more like more substance..cause if ya think about it.. after a Chinese dinner an hour later you feel hungry.. well my Zeke feels the same way...
He has a bit of meds to take twice a day but really not as bad as I expected..but I did tell him .."he's catching up to Momma"..I know he looked at me and thought, "Never"...I hope and pray not..

Zeke is on Amoxi 1000mg twice a day Metronidazole 500mg once a day the Digoxin 0.125mg twice a day and Enalapril 15mg twice a day.. with the Pepsid A/C for only 7 days and Cerenia 90mg once a day till the end of the week..not to too bad..Did I ever think I might need a "White Outfit"..????  Hey what ever it takes...just call me Nurse Rachett.....(One flew over the Coo Coo's nest )..just in case you missed my drift..

Yeah my sense of humor is "strange" ..I did say, "I have demented humor"..maybe that's how I make it through all my wild and crazy events of the day..and I do have them.. I think I mentioned I felt like a "Country Tune"..but some day I'd like the records to stop... I mean I'll take a leave of absence if you all wouldn't mind ..

I moved up the breakfast time to 7:30am cause my crew is really ready and Zeke is pacing...I can barely get through my coffee and toast without them all attacking.. I mean Reba gets in my face !

Need to get a move on here and get my list of things I need to get thing first off ..Rice and Veggies.. I've already cooked up 10lbs of chicken and when it cools I'll shred it up and freeze ahead..Thank goodness for Freezers !

All have a wonderful day and that rain we had last night.. I was hoping for it to cool things down..cause the "heavens opened up last night"...

God Bless All !

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What a Wonderful Sunday !

What a Wonderful Sunday ...It's morning and I've woke up with Zeke at the foot of the bed..How great that is... I'm so thankful that he is still with us.. my eyes are watering as I'm writing..I feel him by my side..

 Zeke has been home since Saturday and even the other critters were happy to see him.. When hubby and I drove up to the hospital I had to take a few deep breaths as I wasn't sure what to expect.. I had known from the Doctors calling me that he was hooked up to everything imaginable, weak but wanting out.. He had started to give them a few "grins" as they said..I knew then my Zeke was starting to feel better...heaven help me.. I just want him to be good and not surprise them !

So in we walked.. this hospital is quite large..there is the sitting room and it's got high ceilings..the floors are oh my I know they had a huge clean up when we first came.. and at the front desk there are several front of monitors..on top of the rails (they all sit in a semi circle) which are flat on the top.. there are little dishes of treats..for cats and dogs ..I do a quick look around as I didn't have a chance the last time.. their are several people sitting in the sitting room all waiting their results .. 

I remember saying to my hubby, "they sure have a lot of techs here at the desk..and that's so you get service immediately and they take your pet back right away... All seem to be very pleasant and understanding..thank goodness.. I really don't remember much from when we brought Zeke in.. guess I blocked that out..

The young girl takes our info and within a few minutes we get taken to a room off the side ..all glass..that's one thing I remembered each room was could see from room to room..guess that's so in case they have a problem every one is there to help.. Zeke's nurse comes in and introduces herself to us.. and sits down with us and discusses how Zeke has been and goes over our lists of things we need to do.. 

Another thought comes to my mind.. "Wow, each unit has their assigned nurse that logs everything in.. and you get a copy of all that has taken place".. I'm impressed..I might think about if I need to have surgery to come here.. cause they are certainly better than some of the hospitals..and that's a fact !

The nurse "Regina" then gives us all Zeke's meds..only 7..HA !  My boy is catching up to me.. she then says.."here is the list and these are for morning and these are for evening..."...Ok, my brain is getting this..but thank goodness everything is written down....Regina then says, "now the Doctor will be in to talk with you but remember if you have any questions I'm here to assist you .. you'll have the beeper if you should have any problems".. 

My heart is racing.. cause I'm  wanting to see Zeke..but that will come..we need to talk with the Doctor without Zeke being nervous cause we are here.. at that moment the Doctor walks in.. and she then says. "We are so pleased that Zeke is doing was a very close call ".. I knew, I just knew from how he was when we brought him in.. This Doctor went into such details..and yes I was listening but my mind kept wandering.. I do remember her saying.."Zeke will be back to have an EKG and the Internist will check him also".. 

What seemed like forever she then said, "I know you're anxious to see Zeke and Regina is bringing him out"  at that point I got up and looked across the room.. Now I know why the glass room.. they see you and you see them coming...:).. Regina could barely hang on to him.. he was forging forward and when he got into the room.. he was so happy to see us.. Still a little weak but leaning on us.. I looked at him.. boy he looked like a pattern was drawn all over him.. It was where they shaved him for the IV's... all over just about.. on all four legs under his belly and on his neck.. it was definitely a design.. I hope he never has to have again..

Leaving there Zeke was just clinging close to me.. had a little trouble getting him in the car.. Hubby had to lift Zeke's butt as I helped him get into his crate...Once we got back to the house and were coming up the driveway I heard Zeke give a little whine.. He was one happy lad.. and coming into the house.. he went from room to room and then lay down at my feet..

I had to get all his meds in order and then I knew he would want something to eat.. I have to feed him  small meals 4 times a day and at this point only Chicken and Rice with some veggies.. and it's only white brown rice, although better for them..but because of the outer shell could cause him a problem at this time.. As soon as I heated it up and put it in his dish.. it was gone..and he looked at me like.."is this it" ?    Yeah Zeke is on the mend..

The Doctor did tell me they were waiting for the last test to come back and as soon as it did she would call me.. They had ran a test for Addison's disease.. I sure hope not.. although it is treatable..but please let this not be.. 

Around 9pm last night the Doctor called.. Zeke did not have Addison.. I thanked her and told her again how much we appreciated all they did.. I mean to tell you this is a fantastic set up and hospital for Animals.. I just wished they'd take humans...

When I went to bed.. My Zeke was back in his spot..and so far all is well...He did his usual ...grumble on who got to close to him...I think he's getting back to himself...

Now it's morning I've done all the pills and in about half hour it will be breakfast and the race is on I have to cook up another pot of rice..thank goodness for that rice cooker..she's earning her keep..:)

Thank you all.. things are looking better..I'm feeling more at ease and Zeke..well he's snoring at my feet...

God Bless !

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thank Goodness I made it through to Saturday !

Thank Goodness I made it through to Saturday !   I can not and will not believe everything that's happened... I intend to just pass this by...I mean, I wish to only believe half of what I saw and non of what I heard...does that make sense..?   Not sure it does to me..but then again I'm not the average human.. HA!...By far from my list of things "never to do again" or " wake me when it's over".. Some where there has got to be a method to this sheer madness !

Friday's events were some what "of my usual" happenings..however I do always add a twist of flavor...with a hint of humor..cause I've surely lost my sense of dignity and what ever else falls into place...

I had my appointment to go to in the morning for my Ultra Sound...(I should stop there) and was it typical...HA!   Depending on your mind set...Not in my life time.... I head up  with a positive attitude..cause we women all know what it's like for this pelvic ultra sound...(key words)  Drink plenty of water :)...So I did.. I had two bottles with me in the car and they were nice and cold.. as I drove I figured I'd multi task...(hey we all do this) and I proceeded to drink and drink and drink..(you get the idea) when I got up to the hospital.. and drove around for a parking spot...(forget about it) I decided I'd not make this deal of parking..even with my handicap sticker cause all where using theirs today..

So I beebop to the Valet Parking...Why not it's the hottest day of the century.. I mean since 5am you couldn't breath the air.. it burned your lungs...So I drive on up and park and go inside and ask at the front desk .."I sure hope someone is parking today "... Lady smiles and replies.."Oh, but of course...just have a seat..."...Okie dokie.. I go in with my water and then I ask for someone to take me back to radiology as I'm not able to walk this long, long, long corridor. that looks like it's slippery as glass...(I wanna know what they use on their floors) that they got me a nice young lady and she whizzed me right down and around...(this is the longest ride I've been on in a hospital)  I asked her.."Where did they put the radiology dept " ?  She laughed and I'm telling you this hospital is huge and getting bigger as I speak..

I get to my place and I sign in and have to wait ...but I'm getting ready.. (you all know that feeling..) "the urge is just about there" ...a young fella comes up and says,  "Hey, I'm gonna be your tech and we're gonna get this done"... Ok so he's jolly.. Thank Goodness... and off we go to the races.. and he zips me in another room.. I smile and say.."Don't be gone long cause I'm ready, willin' and able"... He smiles and leaves... The room is filled with people waiting for other testings.. and we all look at each other and small talk.. you know weather things and how big the hospital is...

Of course my parking seat is near the bathroom..Oh lucky me.. and I keep hearing everyone flushing the "Johns"..and that's making me worse..cause I'm now at the "Gotta Go "  stage...Oh I hope he comes back... and then this tech pops his head in and says.."I'll be right back gotta emergency to do first".. OH NO...OH  NO ...You can't do that to me... OH NO.. my body is dancing..Hahaha... I mean I'm not gonna be able to last much longer...I can feel the sweat beads forming on my forehead.. HOLY CANNOLLI...I then look up at the TV and see a commercial where they are pouring something in a glass with that.. I make a  "B"  line right for the ..(you got it..)  bathroom and I know they heard me out side... It was heaven sheer heaven.. and no way could I stop... I come out the door and everyone is smiling..and just about ready to burst (like me) in laughing... the tech comes back in and says, "Ok, we're ready"...HA... NOT ME>>. He looks at me and says,,"OH NO"..HA... 

AT that point the whole room bust up laughing.. me included.. The next thing was... the tech leaves the room a few minutes later appears with a half gallon of water.. Hahahaha... Did I need this.. maybe .. cause it took the pressure of worry off me for the moments...I looked at everyone and said.."Guess he thinks I'm part Camel".. that did the room again.. Hence I had to sit again and drink and drink and got it.. I was there awhile....but I did get through the tests..and finally got out... and was so glad to get home..
I had a message on my voice mail from Zeke's Doctor.. She was telling me how the last few tests were .. and asked me to call...and you know I  called immediately..... Just hearing Dr Laura tell me Zeke was doing much better and was beginning to "Smile".. I knew my boy was getting much better I wasn't we talked she explained to me that we will still be having more tests after he gets home and there is a possibility that this can reoccur...gawd don't let me hear that.. but it's a fact...

So here we are and now it's Saturday....I'm waiting for hubby to wake and then it's off to get him home... I'll get my list of what or what nots..and that's fine..I have plenty of chicken cooked up and I'm shredding it.. adding it too his rice and veggies..which he'll be on for a few more days then slowly adding his dry food back.. with of course all his meds...but just wanting him home is what's on my mind..

This has certainly been another experience in my life I pray I never have to repeat or for that matter hope no one else had to either.. it's a test of "how strong is your heart".. I'll have to tell my Cardio Doc.. I know my heart is strong...cause if I didn't keel over with this.. I know I got more in me than what I thought.

So my next update will be...Zeke is HOME...of course I have to also take the rig in today... Hey, could it be a smooth day..Not in my life time...but maybe that's what makes my world go round..Kayos ...

Again I want to thank all of you.. cause without your prayers and support I'd be one lost pup..(see I told you I was part dawg...oh, maybe that's why I'm often called a B*#$ ch)  Ha .. I know you all are smiling at that....

God Bless and Thank YOU !

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Morning

Friday morning and another event unfolds...What a long night and a wake up with Zeke still at the hospital... It's a strange feeling and an empty feeling as well.. I'm so use to Zeke coming up next to me and leaning in ..checking to see if I'm awake..You can feel his wet nose just touching your face and of course that hot breath..OMG.. at that point he knows your waking next comes the feeling of the head leaning on your chest..yeah you better get up cause the next attempt is the foot coming up and Zap you got it.. Not realizing that he just gave you a good shot.. That would wake any one up..
I'm beginning to want to just go back in time..however, that's kind of impossible..and then you think.."Come On, I mean get real..but it's have become a "Dawg person "  I'd say maybe possible I've been crossed over cause critters have played a very big role in my life..they were and are my world.. I've devoted 3/4 of my life time to the betterment of the breed...and if you believe in re incarnation.. hell I'm gonna come back as a "Dawg"..wonder if I'll be leader of the pack   ...

My mind is just going away with itself..kind of eases the pain you feel in your heart..does it make it easy..?   not really sure but it buys you time ...but yesterday nothing could buy any  thing.. I waited and waited for the phone to ring... I wanted to hear how Zeke was and when could he come home ?
Finally the call came and at first I couldn't even concentrate on what the good Doctor was saying.. I just couldn't hear .. I became nerve deaf.. My fears were taking over .. I don't think I've ever had that happen..not that I recall.. even when I was having all crazy things happen to me.. I could handle news..but it seems with how things happened..I just emotionally became unbalanced..
I guess the Doctor realized it and just starting talking slowly to me and then saying.. "Zeke was doing better, he was holding his own.." .. I started to answer her and then came what they felt happened..

Zeke has what is called..Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.This happens suddenly ..some times you have some incite other times it's quick and deadly.. Now I heard those words and I started to tremble inside.. I just knew when I was holding Zeke and all that blood coming out of him.. He was bleeding out completely..  Next I heard.. that Zeke was having Arrhythmia's...that they were trying to control that and slow his heart rate down...Now this could be caused by what happened...or something that he has now developed... 

I know from the last incident that I had with Zeke back in February when I had to have him neutered because of Prostatic Hyperplasia that his heart was excellent and no signs of anything... At that point the Doctor asked me to fax all that data.. Which I had to call the doctor in Florida as I couldn't remember where anything I had was.. 

It's strange how as much as you have things together at times you become undone...misplaced..confused...and can't find anything.. all I had to do was access my files on line..but I couldn't think .. I didn't think... but thank goodness Allison in Florida was kind enough to send everything across...

This Doctor Laura Tseng is very good..she took her time with me..explained in details and then told me that the Cardio Doctor would be now with Zeke.. That he might have a problem with his heart after all this point she couldn't say..but they would be continuing monitoring him and still giving him fluids..

After our conversation I sat back and then went to research everything.. something I was trained to do was a part of my career.. a researcher.. and as much as I studied and knew I was "DUH" when it came to what happened.. It kind of made me aware how much our minds can lose things when pain begins to inflict fear.. Is that a kindness of mother nature?  dunno..

Later during the day I got several calls..and emails from friends and sistahs which I so appreciated..I still couldn't get things done...I was tossing with going to see Zeke ...but I stopped because if Zeke saw me he might become wanting to be with him would do him more harm..I can't be selfish I have to wait this one out..

Now this morning here I am..getting ready for my jaunt to head up to St Mary's hospital to have my Ultra Sound done..Gawd this is just a mess..all at the same time... I called late last night to talk with the nurse and see how my Zeke was doing...Hearing he's holding his own still kind of makes me queasy but I'll take that cause that's another day he's holding on... I did let her know that I would have to talk with  Doc Laura when I got she was gonna call me this morning...

Today time isn't moving fast enough...but with God's help and all the support from family and friends I'll make it through.. I am forever grateful for all of you.. you just never know how much all of your prayers and kind words mean.. As we always said on the forum.."You are never alone, no matter what someone is always here for you "... and that is so true... I haven't been on the forum in ages with all things happening..but my blog has been my outlet..crazy as it seems ..but when I write I feel better..guess it's the release of what's heavy in our hearts...don't even go there about my brain..cause I think it's all gray matter with a few dents right now !

Oh one good thing...Diane called me to let me know the house in Florida is under's being painted.. and I even spoke with Dick and Betsy.. they are watching it take place too... and we did enjoy our laughs as I told them .. "I was doing it for their enjoyment, so they could look out their window and see pretty "...Ha... even joked that I was bringing up the value.. that's kind of an on going joke with us.. but I'll be anxious to see it myself..
So that's what's happening so far and then I can't wait to say..."The rest is history"... I sure hope I don't ever have to repeat this history...someone said one time.. and I don't remember who...but it was like this.. "We come in this world to make a wrong right and if we don't get it right we have to repeat it"...well forget that !!!!  I don't ever want to repeat this part AGAIN...
Ok, I'm off to get my coffee I smell the aroma...Thank you Paulette and Sharlotte.. Mitch..(I didn't forget those kind words you sent me) Sharon, Ava, Lizzie, Vickie. Carol All of you  "Sistahs on our Women's RV Forum.. Thank you from me and Zeke.. my world would be empty with out all of you.. I can't wait to meet you all...and that will day it will...but you all know you are welcomed in my abode...come on down to Florida..cause I can't wait to go back myself...
God Bless All of you !

PS..Here is the hospital  that Zeke is at..I think we put a wing on this !

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm Spent ! and it's only Thursday Morning :(

I'm Spent !!!!  and it's only Thursday Morning :( Early too !!!  Oh my stars what happened yesterday..a site for sore mad dash attack...I can only tell you I've never seen anything like this ..not in my wildest dreams would I ever imagine this to occur....and to Zeke...This poor boy has had such horrors..I'm still shaking inside..

Yesterday as I had written on here that I was gonna take Zeke to the he still wasn't coming around..and I wanted him to be checked..All the other critters were doing fine..but my Zeke just didn't seem to be coming around.. in fact that morning he didn't want his breakfast.. Now for him to turn down anything... this boy can put away groceries.. So I was waiting for Saul (our friend and Vet) office to open.. Hubby had left for work and I fed everyone their breakfast ..Zeke kind of stood by my chair as I had my coffee.. I offered him some of his favorite biscuit..he did take that..but not to the point of anxiously..

I let everyone out and I picked up all the dishes and rinsed and loaded them in the dishwasher.. I load my dishwasher all day long as I accumulate then by evening and time to go to bed that dishwasher does her job....So as I'm now coming into the living room Zeke is watching me and then gets up.. stands in between the walk way to the dog room and then gives me the "look".. I get up to see what he wants.. and with that he walks towards the sliders to go out and Wham .. and I mean WHAM... the blood comes shooting out of him... I didn't know what or where to move.. His look was sad.. as he tried to go out.. and it was just flowing..." OH MY GOD"  ....Zeke, I yelled.. as I ran over to him... I was so frightened. Poor Zeke was confused and I can only imagine not knowing what was happening too him... I grabbed towels and rushed to him as he went down... I hugged him and I could feel his heart beating rapidly... This all happened within seconds.. it was fast and furious.. I held onto him checked his gums..wrapped his body in towels..grabbed the phone and called hubby to come home.. Zeke was still conscious...I called Saul and I heard him tell the young girl on the phone get in right away..

The brain is racing and my thoughts were...Why don't they have ambulances for Critters???  I knew I couldn't drive him or pick him up, not by myself.. I surely didn't want Zeke to go out this way.. Not my Zeke.. It just wasn't fair to him.. What ever was happening was so crazy...from being a little off kilter ..still eating and playing....only  having off and on diarrhea, something he's always battled with since a pup... I use to say, "Zeke had a nervous stomach...a very emotional dog... I've always kept Zeke on a very strict regiment of diet... and here we are with this poor boy laying on the floor ..My heart sunk and I just prayed that we'd get him help and QUICK ....

What seemed like hours was maybe 20 minutes..Zeke was calm but not me.. My stomach was in knots...I could barely move...Hubby helped me get Zeke into the van and off we went..Saul was waiting for us.. Quickly we got Zeke hooked up to IV's and from there is was taking blood samples and testing and then Zip into the Xray machine...It was fast and everyone seemed to know what and where they had to do...

Saul then said.."I have to ship him to the Triage Hospital.. Zeke has to be on IV's for 24 to 48 hours...They run ultra sound and do a colonoscopy...".. Saul had that look I've seen many times before... I had to ask.. "Saul, is Zeke gonna make it".....Saul just looked at me and softly said.."Barb, I hope so"..nothing more had to be said... After we got Zeke stable off we drove again to the Triage Hospital.. This place is amazing.. It's where I had Zeke when he had his surgery for his legs.. They are the tops ...

Again these drives can seem like hours but it was about 20 minutes or so.. Zeke was laying quietly...every once in awhile opening his eyes to check if we were there... when we pulled up Hubby walked in first to let everyone know we were outside.. they had us bring Zeke in and at that moment.. again Zeke let go... the blood shot out and seem to cover the hallway.. I heard people in there gasp.. I just held onto him... My poor boy was so weak.. I don't know what stopped me from just screaming... I had to hold it together for Zeke...Was I gonna lose him right there..??   God please help us.. please help my Zeke.. How much more can this poor boy go on... I felt the tears coming.. I was shaking inside and out... Hubby grabbed a hold of us both..

The nurses came rushing out and next thing I knew they had Zeke on what looked like a small gurney...He was swished out of my sight.. I heard myself saying.."Where are you taking him"..Where are you taking him"... This young girl came over and said,  "he'll be ok...Doctor is with him"... I guess so.. as hubby and I had to sit in the waiting room and WAIT...

Time went slowly then....and all I kept thinking..there's no way this poor boy can survive this... Why didn't I see this coming...What was it...Why was it happening..???????  This was a Drama from the get go...Something I never expected...Totally caught off guard... and  I start re hashing the events... I'm sure some of you have had something happen that you did all these things... Not sure if you put yourself on a guilt trip.. or maybe that makes it easier...but for me.. it was hearing a woman I met as a child.. when I first started getting involved in raising dogs..

Tess said,  "You bred dogs or work with dogs long enough you get to see it all and no matter how good you take care of things.. Things happen beyond your control"..  Ok Tess I guess this is another lesson in life I'm gonna learn.. but do I have to lose Zeke over it ?.... God I hope not.. not this way...

Next thing I hear is our names being called and we are directed to a room.. We walk inside and sit again.. Another door opens and this young Doctor comes in.. Greets us and says, "Ok, here's the facts...Zeke is hooked up to IV's he's in and out of consciousness... he's lost a lot of blood...we'll be running tests most of the day...Go home and we'll call you"... HUH????? 

There was nothing we could do.. Zeke was in good hands .. I didn't want to go back and see him.. Oh that sounds awful .. but I meant.. I didn't want to go back and have him get upset I wasn't with him.. Probably now that I'm thinking about it.. he'd probably not even know I was there... but I did feel it was best to let him be... So home we went.. hubby left and went back to the office as we had a meeting with the corporation and it was vitally important for hubby to get back..

I was not fact the other critters were quiet.. the day dragged and dragged... This was one of those... every second counted..I felt so lost my Zeke wasn't here...Was he ok, was he covered.. I know the strange things we think ...Should I call and talk with the nurse.. but the Doctor said he'd call.. If I call maybe they can't come to the phone as they are working on Zeke.. Oh, I'm just driving myself nutz..

I had to talk with someone.. I mean I just couldn't let this go by.. I needed to hear how Zeke was...I called a few of my friends..Dog Breeders that I've known that maybe could enlighten me.. All these years that I've studied.. I mean why didn't I have the answers...Why didn't I move more quickly..  See it's that guilt crap that starts to gnaw at your insides..

I got through most of the day as I had to clean up all that mess from when we left..which seem to make matters worse as I thought of my Zeke.. God how I wish I was there just sitting next to him..... Then I had no choice I had to call and talk with the nurse...

The phone is in my hands and next thing I know I hear the nurse tell me the Doctor will be calling me in a few minutes... he's in with Zeke at the moment... I hear my voice saying.."Ok, thank you" ... about half hour later the Doctor calls me... "Barbara"... "Yes, Doc".. "Zeke is holding his own"... I exhale a heavy sigh... Doc then says, " We're doing an ultra sound and chest Xrays... I will call you tomorrow morning.."... .. then I hear.."Zeke will be here maybe 3 to 5 we proceed with all the tests..and he's gonna need lots of fluids and "  at that point just hearing he'll not be home.. but then.. he's still with me.. I mean he's hanging on.... I asked the Doctor..."Please don't let him suffer"  I wouldn't want Zeke to go through something that he would not survive the outcome.. why put him through this... at that point the Doctor said.. " Zeke's kidneys and liver were ok  and his heart was strong and lungs were clear.."   

I guess at that point I was starting to come around myself.. So far so good I mean vitals were stable.. and then next things I know we hung up.. So a night without Zeke here.. will be strange but as long as Zeke isn't in pain.. They'll keep a watch on him and I can call again in the evening to see how he is doing...ok, I'm ok with this... I think...

Hubby came home and the house was quiet.. No Zeke meeting him at the door in fact the critters themselves were quiet.. Abby went looking into Zeke's crate to see where he was... well it seemed that way.. and Ms Reba was doing her little cute she hasn't done in awhile.. Ya think they were trying to make it easy for us..????  Ya never know..

Saul called me later that evening and we discussed the possibilities that this could be his numbers on his pancreas where off the chart...and this was one of Saul's thoughts.. also another thought could be that possible Zeke had a mass in his intestines.. or possible a polyup that let loose...oh my the thought wave is going heavy...

I had to go to bed thinking about all this..but I mainly was thinking.. Is my Zeke awake.. is he thinking I left he he ok ???????? All of the above and anything else that will fit in... it's gonna be a long, long, long night....

So now here we's morning and my mind is wandering again.. I have not slept well... my room seemed empty.. Hubby kept telling me, "Zeke will be alright".. I just want him not to suffer..if he comes home I want Zeke not to go through this or any more.. this poor boy has had enough of hospitals.. and Doctors..and surgeries... I surely do miss him...

Today is gonna be another long day..but perhaps I'll get all the results.. Why isn't the phone ringing... but it's only ..well it was 5:30am when I started and it's now 7am.. Have I been at this computer that long...????  I think maybe I should just take a more reading on the net regarding Zeke's signs... see I can't let it go... I have to know "Why".. how can or could I prevent this????? What didn't I see ??????   Again.

I hear hubby calling me.... Need to get the other critters fed...They are really being quiet....I need to give them all a big hug and sit with them for a bit... 

Please keep Zeke in your prayers...what ever the out come..I just want what is best for Zeke...

God Bless you Zeke you have made my life proudly I hail your name too..cause you gave your love to me unconditionally ...and so willing to protect us all.. You did good !...


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Uh oh what a wake up.. for a Wednesday

Uh oh what a wake up ..for a Wednesday... Seems like I'm gonna have to take Zeke to the Vets..his stomach is still out of whack and it just keeps coming back..I'll call as soon as Saul's office opens up..Nothing I seem to be giving Zeke is helping.. I mean it does for the day but then it comes back again...No use having these wake ups..I mean it isn't great for him or ME...

So we all have been up since 3am ..and most likely this day will drag...I sure hope the heat gives us a break.. It rained for a bit last night and I was hoping..come on cool front...uh oh.. just heard the weather..Don't even want to think about it...

I made my appointment for the Ultra Sound..that will be Friday morning..thank goodness get that deal over with..and re coop for the weekend and await the call...perhaps no news would be most welcomed...but ya know sometimes that drives you bonkers..ok, so just tell me then .

Chatted with my 1st cousin about the reunion and we've decided that they all will come to visit me when in Florida..which will be great.. as they all have homes (winter homes) around me..about a few hours away... I'll arrange to have a friend of mine cater it too.. Bonnie is a fantastic cook and I won't mind giving her the job...Then I can just enjoy the family and cooking..gawd that's sounding better and better..and clean up.. what's that.. my version will be.."Where's the trash bag"  HA !...hey it's about time cause I've always had to do it all..

Heard from Diane..the crew is over starting to paint my house..first they had to power wash with a special chemical so that when they paint ..the paint will stick to the siding.. I'm getting more and more excited..cause it's gonna look so much better..My siding was fading in this grey and white will give her a brand new look..Like buying a dress...:)

Diane told me she took some of my plants home to her house...I have to tell ya Diane as good as she hard on plants..HA.. I mean she gives it her best..but for some reason she will tell you herself they just fall short and kick the pot..hahaha... God Bless her.. :)

My reply to Di.. was..."Please don't kill my plants "  we both laughed..and she said.."It's not me, it's Florida"..hahaha.. a tropical place and we can't grow a lot of things...DUH !!!  My roses however .. the knock out roses are doing good..that has to be because of their names  hahahahaha...

Well, I need to get a cup of coffee as my brain feels a little foggy and Zeke is now resting again.. I feel so bad for him...he's really had a bad bout of the two step as we call it... first I thought the water change but he should be over it by now...gots to take care of my Critters...everyone else is doing good..

Ok, catch up with you all later down the path..Have a great day...

God Bless

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tick Tock Wake Up...It's Tuesday

Tick Tock Wake Up ..It's Tuesday.. Weather wise it's lookin like another warm day and getting ready for another .."make appointments" to get more tests done..

Yes, my meeting with my GYN was some what over and it's another race is on to find out "What's happening with me"...See it is just another phase of "Life's Circle".. I have to look at it this way..At least it's not an emergency..I have a little breathing room ..just need to "fix" what's happening to me "AGAIN"...

The Doc was his usual smiling and making jokes but I could see the look of.."Oh no, not with her again".. Yeah he remembers our last encounter alrighty..Things did not go as planned..but I always try to tell them..."I'm like Pandora's box..when you open me I'm just filled with surprises.. "  Hey at least I have a sense of humor cause I do understand how things go with me..

Both the Doc and I just looked at each other shrugged our shoulders..smiled and said.."We can do this".. sure doc we can..I mean I'll go to sleep and you have to do the work...or call for "HELP"  at least he is not an egotist and try to do something if he can't..

Ok, I'll get to the nitty gritty...I have to start off with making an appointment to have an Ultra Sound..then from there I have to have a D & E..( my version is dusting and eliminating)..and hopefully nothing more has to be done...My last pap was Negative and the only thing left inside ( I know that sounds awful) is the cervix stump..Gawd that's really different..but I'm going by what's on the paper..hahahaha...Who the hell knows for sure ..right I mean we can only go by what we're told...Strange as it sounds.

Ah here comes the sun..I always love that feeling as it peeks in my window ..Today I'm gonna buy some hanging plants.. I done made up my mind .. I need color outside..oh and I looked out back and my rose bushes are looking really great.. they go through some horrible winters and then hubby does his usual ..Mow down in the fall.. Can you imagine.. he takes the mower and cuts them poor roses to the nubs...but I have to say... "They look amazing and really put some roses out.. it's like a water fall of roses.. I must take pictures when they bloom....Thinking..did I bring the camera with me..Yeah, I did...

Now after hubby goes to work I get critters fed and myself put together..(several cups of coffee) I'll make my appointments for the Ultra Sound then Lab work ..then call the RV dealer to get the rig in on Saturday...get the results from my other Lab work and drop off the scripts at CVS...stop in and buy those hanging plants for my front porch ..sit back and pinch myself cause I'm not dreaming...

Had to cancel my reunion with my family ..that made me sad..but no way can I attend it in 3 weeks.. My first cousin did surprise me by letting me know I'm gonna get the Mandolin my Grandmother use to play.. That I'm so thrilled about... it was part of the house in Brooklyn..which they put on the market.. Since my Uncle passed away.. They did a fabulous job of restoring it..and now as quick as it was put on the market it got sold...Now that's Amazing !  

A lot of my history was in that house.. We had moved into the Brooklyn house in 1954.. I remember that like it was yesterday.. That's what surprises me.. I mean I was a youngster and my Grandmother said that morning.."We will not be coming back to this house on 16th street..make sure you and your brother take the trolley on Coney Island Ave to the Beverly Ave stop .. "  You know as I write this I can almost hear her voice...I got chills.. 

So that morning as my brother and I walked to school..which by the way was one block away.. we were so excited as we were going to say good bye to all our friends in class.. Teacher let us out at noon time cause it was right at our Thanksgiving Holiday break.. Off my brother and I went...excited and anxious..

My brother Billy was 2 years older than me and I always looked up to him..He was adventurous and crazy... He would do almost anything without other words..Wild and Crazy and BRAVE...No Brainers ..No Fears and I was just as willing..cause he was my "Brother"...Ha !

That day.. that special day my brother convinced me into walking instead of taking the "Trolley".. He said, "it's only a little ways away".. Now folks I never said my brother was "Smart".. I mean brave yes, but smart..NO WAY... I was the brighter one..but not on this day.. I was the "fool".. I was excited never the less and what he said.. I went right along with..cause he also said, "We can save the 25 cents and get something good".. now that registered big time cause back then 25 cents was a lot of money. !

The bell rings and brother and I leave the school and start a walking.. It starts to snow lightly...and then pick up as we walk and walk and walk.. It seemed like miles and it probably was a took us forever and by the time we got to the house I was frozen and looked like "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" . We got up to the porch (at that time it was an open porch ) and knocked on the door .. Grandma opened it and I still can hear her shriek ..till this day..Next thing I remember was being grabbed and Jerked into the house .. hands all over me jerking my hat and coat off ..lots of people in the house.. and our dog Snowball was barking too... Gawd I was hands and feet were stinging...and I could hear my brother getting his..."What Fors".. it wasn't a pretty site.. like I said.."One I never forgot even till this day"....Grandma did say..."How could you be so dumb and Why did you listen to your brother " ?  Yep and much much more.. thank gawd we didn't get our butts beat..although I don't think I would have felt much ... I mean I was so numb from the cold but later as we and I say we..cause what I felt I know he had too also.. It stung...big time...

I'm smiling cause my memories are coming back on a lot of the "wild and crazy" things my brother and I did.. I also remembered why he was called "Billy"  it came from the western.."Billy the kid".. Ha !  He was the coolest cowboy my brother loved.. Ha.. Brother you still are a winner..even to this day... 

My goodness I need to get my butt in gear.. my critters are giving me the eye.. Breakfast time for them and more coffee for me..and hubby is ready for through the house ..a real "Bumpstead" routine...

Have a great day and may God give us his blessings

Monday, July 18, 2011

My First Day.....Monday

My first day....Monday.  Beginning with a "new" keyboard. This is a little bit different and finding where everything is place is just a little challenge for a MONDAY...I've not looked at my keys when typing in ages..but I feel a just a tad bit strange..every once in a while I take a looksie cause the fingers feel strange but the wrist feels great..a resting place for them ...

I heard Zeke with his baritone voice do his little "ruff, ruff" to let me know he wanted my attention..the eyes opened slowly...Reba was along side me on the top of my other pillow and Joesph was right at my side on his "blankie" Abby was at the foot of the bed..but trusty "Zeke" was right at my face..."ruff, ruff" .. I guess he needs to go out..sure did beat me to the slider...Poor hubby has to deal with this goodness no wonder when he wakes he's complaining and ain't smiling...Now me I'm not a smiler..however, I don't speak..(unlike hubby) until I get my cuppa cause it wouldn't be nice...Just call me "Grumpy" and that's putting it mildly..

One time on one of my long away from home trips I had my girlfriend Helga along with me.. we were gone almost 3 months.. I was doing trade shows and dog shows combined...Helga was a neighbor and a friend..(not all neighbors are my friends..just a Hello and Goodbye type) Well getting back to Helga..she and her hubby Edward lived a street away but we became friends shortly after I bought my house.. Edward would walk his dawg Rexie down the street and let Rexie run in the field...He would always say, "hello" and as usual  I would reply..on occasion  Edward would stop and just have a casual chat.. We soon discovered we were all "New Yorkers" and that's how we became friends..Lots of mutual understandings about life in general and some what same "habits"  ...I'm smiling cause New Yorkers have a certain distinction about themselves..and we all kind of agree on a lot of topics...especially other people's behavior...HA !  Like ours is always, always right on the money !!!

Anyway Helga would often come with me to dog shows and some of my wild and crazy happening road trips..cause in the beginning of my motor home trips I had some unusual happenings with the rigs ...I still to this day laugh about a lot of it and how the heck did I get through it all...guess it was my "New York attitude" that let me survive . Meaning we take a lot of issues in stride..shake it off and get on with the next...and I had some strange issues with "New Rigs" that were pushing the limit...and that's saying things "mildly."

Ok getting back to she somewhat Marches to the beat of a different drum...(not meaning she's a wacko) just that things don't phase her and sometimes I wonder if maybe that's why she will most likely out live everyone around her..Her demeanor is very matter what.. I mean I could go from zero to a hundred in no time flat and with Helga she stays at zero ...maybe might jump to a one. Anyway on these trips every morning when Helga would wake up she'd  have a "happy persona".. and me with the "Don't talk till I have my cuppa"  Helga would say.."Good Morning Barbara, did you sleep well " ? it was wild.. I would give her the look.. "Like why are you so freakin' happy" ?  HA ... I'm thinking now she must have thought I was the "Wacko".. most likely I was.. but I never met anyone like Helga..  every day it was the same routine no matter what !  OMG.. 

No wonder why we had so many people around us.. I mean Helga made friends with everyone..and I do mean everyone...I'd come back to the rig (where ever we were parked) and there would be different people outside chatting away..Now I'd look and wonder.."What's this about"... HA.. She was and still is a "happy person". and imagine we are still friends....How did that happen ?  

I would often tell Helga.."you should have been a kindergarten teacher..You missed your call".. she could have even been a politician.. she'd get lots of votes...I can still hear her chatting away..oh and another thing about my friend Helga.. she was a great conservationist.. I mean that woman could talk.. on or about most topics.. Now she and I would have our disagreements..but we never got evil.. you couldn't cause she was a "happy" person.. Ha !  Helga my friend was a great traveling person..We explored a lot of areas and  no matter how things went astray..she'd still say, "Well, we learned something out of it".. and it's true we did..

 Ok, ok...I need to get back to my Monday.. but I'm gonna have to one of these days do some chapters on my earlier days cause they will make you all laugh and then shake your heads wondering how in the world did I get to where I the way.. "Where am I"  ?   Ha .. have to get that coffee and get Critters fed and then it's on with the Doc visit today...Yikes I just need to get through that...then it's on with the next event...

I hear hubby..gawd I got a little carried away..but hey that happens..must be a carry over from "gift of the gab" segment...or is anyone out there listening..???? There are days that I seem to just ravel on ...but it's good to let your thoughts out even if to some, it makes no sense..

Morning looks great and I hope the rest of the day follows the same pattern..and then make my stop on the way home to pick up a few more things maybe even treat myself to late lunch or a Cold Hot Chocolate at Dunkin Donuts.. that reminds me of a Egg Cream  I would get as a kid at "Pops" candy store...a New York drink that was delish !

I'm off for another cuppa...catch ya later.. May all your days be great...

God Bless

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday is finally here

Sunday is finally here... The end of the week or by some calendars it's the beginning of the week..although I have to question that ...because according to the Bible..."On the 7th day our Lord rested..So that being so.. to me it's the last day of the week and a REST DAY... I agree 100%...and therefore, I do NOTHING>>>> well that sounds good but I've got a pot of sauce on and the smells are good..

Hubby is off to teaching "Sunday School".. he loves that.. and I am off to doing a catch up and get over ...Make dinner for when he comes home and watch the latest 2 NetFlicks that have come in on Saturday.. Cause nothing good on the Tube... and we get a chance to watch and enjoy together.

I do have a little bit of laundry to do..the critter beds and then it's check out what's available on the net that I might catch a few good deals..Oh and QVC  ya know I have to check what is TSV..(today's special value) I mean you all know I'm a "gadget guru"...if it's out there I have to check it out and if it falls in my category of making my life easy... it's in the mail....HA !

Diane and Bob are back home and already checked in to go over what I wanted them to do in the house in Florida.. I'm getting the excitement buz..cause we talked about painting and Bob making molding for the rooms ...YEE HAW... it's gonna come together...Is it Oct yet ?   Oh and I did make a call to Clancy and I had to with leaving I forgot to call him..  Clancy, in his usual manner.. let me know that my plants are looking good and with his dry sense of humor  let me know .. "he likes being praised for his job well done "   He sure does do a fantastic job.. I adore his humor.. and him as well..

I sure let Clancy and Bob and Diane know each time I talk with them .. How they are so important in my life and I'd be lost with out them.  I'm very fortunate to have come across all of them.. They are honest and hard workers..not many of those kind left..  I have such a big thing about people's work ethics.. I worked very hard in my life from a 13 yrs old till I was forced to retire due to my health issues..cause I know I'd be one of those people that would have worked till the day I died... I loved working and learning more and more.. I thrived on it.. So I can fully appreciate Clancy, Bob and Diane...

I've got another list going on things I have to get done here in Pa.. For one the porch railing has to be painted.. now that's a crappy job.. I mean you sit and bend and squeeze between each little railing.. Oiu.. what a pain !
It has to be done.. and I have the little chair so if I don't appear after a few weeks you know I am still in the sitting position.. and it does take forever...which I had a Diane up here.. it may take me till I head back to Florida but it will get done...

Have appointment tomorrow with the GYN..that I'm not anxious but I have to find out what's gone wrong..hoping for a "Fluke"  but my luck is never that simple.. Then I'll make a stop at the store on the way home as I want to pick up a few hanging plants for the Shepherd's hooks I have.. I need color out there on the porch.. Sure miss all my plants... I have lots of empty pots and I'd like to put a few things out..just to brighten up the area...

The Critters are doing better today.. thank goodness and their appetites are improving.. Cooked up a big batch of chicken so I'll make up some critter goodies and then some chicken salad too for the week.. Surprised..but when I cook up chicken I do for  "Them" and "US".. hey one pot deal .. makes life easy for ME...and yes, I fit in the  "Make it once, eat it all week"... Ha !

Well, I need to get the meat balls in the pot and get them cooked then put things up and begin again with another few meals... Have all my "stuff "  ready to put away and freeze ... Gosh I love that way of cooking.. making the mess one day and then just click of the micro and dinner is served...Yeah, crock pot is also gonna be ready to do her thing too...Now if only the house cleaning could be done the same way...:)

Have a great day all...God Bless....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A quiet Saturday

A quiet Saturday morning..the house is still sleeping..well all for the exception of Zeke and Joe. When I'm us they are ..Ms Abby and Ms Reba are still snoring...and of course hubby. Looked out my den windows to see what's happening across the fields..all that I see is a slightly pinkish sky and a few bunnies..Mister and Misses Rabbit popping their heads up checking out the area.  That's a nice look around...peacefully and wait here comes the first car down the road...uh oh and a radio so loud I can hear the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM...OMG that young lad is gonna be deaf by the time he reaches 30...!!

While my pot of coffee is perking let me tell ya how my yesterday went...I left the house about 10:30am to head over to Quest...the parking area for them is not great for people like me with bum knees..however, I bit the bullet and dealt with it... I know I must have been talking to myself as the yard man was looking at me strangely..Hey, I'm an Ole Lady ..I have the right to talk to myself especially when I have to walk a mile (a little bit of exaggeration here)  I shook it off and said, "Well it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...what a day for a walk...any flowers around I can pick"  whistled a happy tune and go to the office...big steps to climb..Hey I can hear myself singing.."Climb every mountain"...Uh oh I'm now losing it !...

So in I go...the place is kind of cute.. I mean nice colors and butterfly stickers all over the entrance way.. So where's the flowers ?....I walk up to the desk take a quick looksie and then sign in.. lots of empty chairs and only like 3 people sitting...Two nurses and a TV playing with a few butterflies on it ...Ok, ok I get the picture..You is free spirited and happy... YEAH.. out comes this young woman and smiles and then says.."Make sure you sign in...(here comes the punch line)  Do you have an appointment." ?   I fess up.."No, I don't...( then a quick pause)  I was told I didn't need one that you take walk ins ".... HA !  I was being nice and I didn't want  any one to know that perhaps I was pulling a fast one the looks around I don't think any one cared...

That nice young nurse then replies.."Ok, not a problem..we do take walk ins and as long as no one is here for an appointment  we'll be able to take your blood"...Ah how kind...I sure hope she's good !...and she wait wasn't really long at all ..maybe about a half hour and this gal was GOOD... I know I'm a regular on the blood work.. like every 4 mos...and she used.. (you'll all smile at this )  the "butterfly"  needle..HA... that made my day...

The reason for me changing where I normally go to give my deposit..was because the Lab was sold and my insurance no longer has dealings with this (or should I say.."Maybe they don't want my Insurance) place..and boy I was an unhappy camper cause they also were good and No Appointments and I was always there at 7:30am..  Now with this place called Quest.. I can attempt to make appointments on line and they are NATIONWIDE...yep...right there is Florida I can schedule from here...Whoopie...:)

After that lovely experience I was off to ShopRite...I wanted to get something in for dinner..being it be a Friday I was wanting...FISH.. yep, Flounder..and fresh too..Now that's something that amazes me.. In Florida I couldn't get fresh Flounder..only frozen and I'm not big on Frozen Fish.. So my Fish Munger (what we call the guy who sells fish) was happy to see me.. and I him..we did our little gab and from there it was check out the goodies... Oh and by the way.. I bought lemons.. You ask, "What's the big deal" ?  well while in Florida I never get big lemons..unless I wanna get stuck  (remember that lemon tree story) the only ones I see at the store are small almost golf ball sizes.. and really not in Pa and at the ShopRite .. big Mommas and I do mean BIG...and I was just as happy as can be..Oh and got some fresh basil too..ah life is grand..bought a large can of  Italian Peeled Tomatoes..and I is gonna make sauce ....

See I'm a simple person..(another stretch of the imagination here) and just a few things can make me happy.. A pot of sauce and good pasta..and of course a cuppa coffee...I can smell the aroma and soon my toast will be done too....Life is good...and so are the Critters..they are seeming much better my story continues on..

Hubby, when he awakes and gets  his bearings will head over to Sam's club.. I don't like to go on Saturdays.. I'm not a crowd person.. I like to get in with my list and get my other stores... So I'll have his list done by the time he comes to his senses and makes the "Happy Smile"  ( oh that is another big stretch) and he'll ask me...(like this isn't the first time).."Do we really need this" ?  I have to laugh cause it's just the basics.. I mean  Dish Washer Detergent... Paper Towels...come on here fella... so my reply is always..."Well, if you want to do the dishes and all the laundry  for all the towels that you'll go through.. be my guest " !   He then shakes his head and walks out.. Now this is something we go through every time  he goes to Sam's club...HA

For the rest of  the day I'll make a pot of Sauce and throw in some Meatballs..(my Italian Sinkers) and get a little caught up on emptying the Frig.. it's scary in there  ...I mean things I never saw before..  Ha ha ha... This man of mine throws nothing out... nothing.. even has the box that the TV (since December) came in.. I had to ask  him..."What are you saving this for " ?   You don't wanna hear this..well maybe you do... Hubby stands back and looks at me.. hands on his hips with a wise asp grin..."Well, if the TV goes bad I need a box to put it in "...???????   See I told you he always has an answer and it's always a winner...and I lived with him .. How Long ??????? It's me... it's gotta be me.... and with that.. My Coffee is calling my name and my fingers are gasping for a breather....soooooooooo happy trails and may God give you all a wonderful day !

God Bless... 

PS.... Ali, I hope all went well for you with your surgery... you are in my prayers ...Just catching up on all the news...