Saturday was a resting day...more or less. A recap of memories that I want to say, "Was like a roller coaster". Had lots of ups and downs and then later on humor. I could also say, "Lots of exercise, challenges and then it had a good ending"... Getting my hot coffee in the morning HELPED!
Weather wise it was HOT and that's all I can say about it. Look forward to a little misting or perhaps an afternoon shower or two or three. My plants would really appreciate it and so would my water bill. :)
I'm packing up my plastic and I have a little tear falling cause that means I'm heading back home and my house will be empty....but not for long. Going to have it painted and the drive way done and that will be exciting. Plus having Diane and Bob paint my other two bedrooms...So things will be looking better when I return...for another adventure of surprises .
Now I'm gonna attempt to post pictures cause I promised and that's when things went wish me luck and let's go for it..
Roses, Impatience, Hibiscus, and other interesting plants. I forgot the names of.....
My Gardenia that I'm working hard to bring back to full stage..She was almost gone when I came back in Oct so this is a "special" plant. She did bloom for me and it was awesome.
Impatience...and I have to say, "these plants are awesome, but be prepared to water and water and water"...These are also where my "Leaping Lizards" hang out or should I say "Drop out"...
Climbing Orange Roses..These are really beautiful..can't wait to see it in full bloom. Of course I had a rose on it but these little creatures with tails did a number on her as soon as I put her in the ground.. They love to play on that trellis.
So I have Mister Owl and my 2 buddies...Ike and Mike, the Flamingos watching over those Roses...and guess what...those little squirrels now jump up and bop the owl and watch it's head spin....!
In the front by the light pole I have a few plants..some are butterfly plants and they have purple flowers..the others are an assortment of a Daisey and they are orange and pink/salmon colors...
Side of carport I have a rose and a lily and then a gardenia plant that is on the come back also...if the squirrels leave her alone !
The one the only "Grape Mobile"..Her parking place, guarding the Gardenia and ready for me to hit the road :)
These are just a few of the pictures and I hope to get better ones with Flowers . Perhaps even a better angle to see it all as it's in the shaping of things to come....!
Ok, I've had it as I've waited awhile to upload...sure hope it gets better..Would have helped to if I would have reduced the size of pictures but I'll do that another time...I'm just lazy !!!
Good night and can't wait for tomorrow...Cooking Critter food and packing ..YUCKO...
God Bless and Sweet Dreams !
Love the pictures. Your place looks really nice.