Monday, May 16, 2011

A Whoopie Do Monday

A Whoopie Do Monday... it certainly has been.. Got lots done today along with call my GYN in Philly and got my appointment for when I return. Even called my local family Doc and made sure they upgraded my synthroid ..Seems that I'm running on the low side...more like snail side :)

My new Vacuum Cleaner (el Cheapo) is doing it's thang...Yes, I zipped through and was really awesome not dragging but sliding through and with that extra attachment meant that I didn't have to drag out another cleaner or broom to sweep down the edges...AMEN !

Tomorrow I'm gonna make an attempt to head to Lowe's to get a "Squirrel Proof" pole with what they call a bell...Wish me luck cause I sure do miss my birdies...they stop by every now and then to see if I'm gonna put food out...Makes me feel guilty too...

I've got my list ready for tomorrow and hope to get a few more things done and marking my calendar as June 18th will be coming around the corner before long. Amazing how time does fly ..

Speaking of which  I finally got my batteries charged so pictures are coming..Yes, they are !!  I'm so anxious to take them too cause I've been working my butt off watering those impatience ..boy they suck up lots and lots of water especially here in Florida..

I'm out there every morning and afternoon and evening...cause them babies are starting to look good and my knock out roses are hanging in along with my climbing rose..lost the rose but the rest is green and them dang squirrels know I'm watchin'.  OH and my humming birds are busy..a new group seems to have shown up ..more females this time actually had 4 at the feeder at one time...but when them males are in..look out fight time..they do not share !!!!

Foot is feeling better...but sssshhh...I ain't a staying much cause you all know how things go for me...and tomorrow I've got to make another batch of "Brownies"..I'm really, really liking them :)

Hubby just called to let me know he's going to bed..HA...Yes, he even calls me to tell me he's on his way home...and I keep thinking, "better get dinner on "...well soon it will be the real thing.

Watched Dancing with the Stars tonight and I'm always amazed at how well those people ball room dancing is not easy and watching Kim almost break her neck gave me chills...God Bless them !

Okie Dokie I'm ready to hit the mattress...Here we go :)

Good night and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Glad your foot is getting better and you're able to get out and about more. Got you covered in my prayers for that other thang. Looking forward to pictures of all your flowers, and the birds too.
