Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday was a GOODER !

Friday was a GOODER !  Yes, that's a Pennsylvania Dutch Word...I've picked up quite a few of those as I've lived in Pennsylvania for over 43 years..omg ! it's a life time...well almost...but these words have become second nature to me and some of the style of cooking Shoe Fly Pie...hmmm well almost..not that one in particular..cause when I think of it.. I think of Flies attacking a pie and someone saying.."Shoe Fly" that's a well some other day for me  :)

Today was a warm day and I put out my plants..they (the plants) were probably screaming.."let me out" and I can't blame them..My Christmas Cactus is in bloom and she's gorgeous...dang it I need to get that camera going...make note...get Camera out of the bag !

I did a lot of work on my computer today and did several signature tags for a group that I've belonged to for years..Lots of great talented artists and gawd the animations they do...I'm just a drop in the bucket as I learn the new tricks and then if I don't use's BLANK BRAIN syndrome ..

The Critters 4 are in bed and looking over at me...Yeah, I'll be in shortly...gonna listen to the news and then fall out or is it fall in...never quite sure...

Tomorrow it's head into town, pick up a few things and oh yes, the meds that keep me tickin' till next month....

Good Night and Sleep Tight..oh my cold in my nose..Getting Better...that cough med was a gooder too...yes Paulette I did add a little Whisky to it !

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Love the cards you make Zeee. How are Elsie & Clancy doing? You have not mentioned them lately.
